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Shifting the Paradigm.

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Presentation on theme: "Shifting the Paradigm."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shifting the Paradigm

2 Group A Streptococcus Pharyngitis

3 Importance of Accurate Diagnosis and Prompt Antimicrobial Therapy

4 Confirming Diagnosis of GAS Pharyngitis

5 Medscape attempts to use generic names for tests whenever possible
Medscape attempts to use generic names for tests whenever possible. In this program, the trade names for molecular diagnostic tests are used for clarity. The use of trade names should not be viewed as an endorsement by Medscape of specific products.

6 Establishing A Diagnosis

7 Rapid Antigen Detection Tests

8 Throat Culture

9 NAATs for the Diagnosis of GAS Pharyngitis

10 Benefits of Molecular POCTs for GAS

11 Limitations of NAATs

12 The Cost of GAS NAATs

13 Use of POC NAATs in Practice

14 Importance of Real World Studies for POC Molecular Systems

15 Final Thoughts

16 Beyond the Clinical Trials

17 Evaluation of 3 Rapid Molecular Assays for the Detection of GAS Pharyngitis

18 Diagnosis of GAS Pharyngitis in a Primary Care Setting

19 Clinical Performance of Different Assays

20 Studies of POC NAATs in Real World Settings

21 Comparison of POC NAAT With RADT and Culture in a Pediatric Outpatient Setting

22 Comparison of NAAT With Culture for GAS Pharyngitis Diagnosis in a School Setting

23 Clinical Utility of NAATs for Diagnosis of GAS Pharyngitis

24 Clinical Utility of NAATs for Diagnosis of GAS Pharyngitis, cont’d

25 Summary and Concluding Remarks

26 Antibiotic Stewardship

27 Molecular Diagnostic Tests Implications for Antibiotic Stewardship

28 Concluding Remarks

29 Abbreviations

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