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Closing the Loop: Training data from Experience

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1 Closing the Loop: Training data from Experience
Geoff Hulten

2 Closed Loop Example: Search Engine
Search for: ML Course Your Results: Some Boring Course Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Some Spam ML Ad Sed eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Another Boring Course Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit. UW’s CSEP 564 Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation. Some Awesome ML Course Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. UW’s CSEP 564 Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation. Some Spam ML Ad Sed eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Another Awesome Course Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit. P(Relevant | Query, User, Page) Simple Heuristic: TF/IDF Training Data Machine Learning… Click the one they like Higher Sentiment / More Engagement High Sentiment / Engagement Virtuous Cycle Extremely Simplified…

3 Properties of Good Data
Without user present With user present FP TP TN FN Context, Action, and Outcome Sensors What the user / system did Override, feedback, power reading Unbiased Strong sentiment influences data Mistakes influence data Reporting experience influence data Good Coverage Homes, geo-locations Kitchens, factories, spaceships Summer, winter, user types Avoids Feedback Loops Prominence leads to interaction Absence suppresses interaction Real Interactions Users using the product as indented Not in the lab, not in a survey Expert labelers not as good Scale User base Frequency Complex concepts need a lot of data

4 Example: Self Driving Car
Context, Action, Outcome Coverage Real Interactions Unbiased Feedback Loops Scale Product viable Intelligence minimal Telemetry in place Intelligence asks user if it is right User answers are great data Randomize to get coverage Safe Automation Highest quality models Cheaper mistakes Full Automation Mistakes extremely rare Value of data diminished Once you know your problem can benefit from an intelligent system, you need to decide how much of it you want to try to solve with one. One interesting property of intelligent systems is this: they perform worst on the day you ship them. Once you close the loop between users and the intelligence, your system will get better and better over time. That means you might want to start with an easy objective, and rebalance toward harder objectives as your system improves. Let's say you are trying to build an autonomous car. This is certainly an intrinsically hard, big, open-ended and time changing type of problem. You could work on this until you get it totally perfect, and then ship it. <SLIDE> Or you could start with an easier sub-problem. Say forward collision avoidance. Something is stopped in front of the car? Apply the brakes. And here's the thing. You could build the exact same car for collision avoidance that you would build for the autonomous driving, all the controls, all the sensors, everything. Just instead of setting an objective of full automation, which is super hard, you set an objective of reducing collisions, which is more manageable. But avoiding collisions is valuable to users on its own right, so some people will buy your car and use it. And when they do, you'll be able to collect information from all the car's sensors and all the user interactions to get data to build better and better intelligence. Then, when you are ready, you might set yourself a slightly harder objective, say lane following. That provides even more value to users -- the virtuous cycle. And after a while of lane following, your intelligence might get so good you can move on to completely autonomous driving. The process might take months. It might take years. But it will almost always be cheaper than trying to build an autonomous car without a closed loop between users and intelligence. It's important to set an objective that you can achieve with the intelligent system you can build today -- and it's great when you can grow the intelligent system to solve more and more interesting objectives over time. Legacy System Compete on other dimensions Collision Warning Lane Leave Warnings Collision Avoidance Lane Following Progressively less interaction Dumb Passive Getting Forceful Increasingly Forceful

5 Ways to Get Data from Users
Implicit User using the product as intended Sometimes hard to interpret Carefully crafted UX can enable Escalations User s/calls support Good for finding unanticipated problems Bad for machine learning Reply Delete Unopened x Read Ratings 1-5 stars; thumbs up/down Recommender systems (not ) Can be quite sparse Inbox: Dinner this weekend? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Here are your automatic payment... Sed eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Congradulations {Ghulten} you’ve... Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit. What did you think about... Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation. Is this message: Junk OK Report Junk Reports User flags a mistake in the systems Highly biased to visible/costly mistakes Classifications Ask users to provide specific labels Good coverage / bias Requires users’ good will Contact Us

6 Advanced topics Combining / sampling data Maintaining independence

7 Summary: Closed Loop Pattern
Better Models Virtuous Cycle between users and Intelligence Models worst on day one, improve over time Needs experience tuned to get training data More forceful as quality increases Used by many, many practical systems Intelligence Creation Environment Intelligence Runtime Closed Loop Training Corpus Explicit and Implicit User Feedback

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