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Vocabulary Review Genetics

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary Review Genetics"— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary Review Genetics

2 Which is a recessive purebred?
Pp b. PP c. pp

3 Which is codominance? Two phenotypes b. Four phenotypes
c. Three phenotypes

4 What is a phenotype? What you see b. The genetic makeup
c. How an animal behaves

5 What is a genotype? What you see b. The genetic makeup
c. How an animal behaves

6 Which genotype is a hybrid?
Pp b. PP c. pp

7 A striped flower is probably…
Incomplete dominance b. codominance c. Complete dominance

8 Which is incomplete dominance?
Two phenotypes b. Four phenotypes c. Three phenotypes

9 Which is heterozygous? KK b. Kk c. kk

10 What is a genotype? What you see b. The genetic makeup
c. How an animal behaves

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