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Activator Look at the official seal or emblem of the Ottoman Empire

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1 I can explain how European partitioning after WWI led to conflicts in the Middle East.

2 Activator Look at the official seal or emblem of the Ottoman Empire
Pick 3 symbols that you notice Explain what you think each symbol tells us about the empire

3 Ottoman origins Turks from central Asia moved west
Took over lands controlled by byzantine and Persian empires Converted to Islam as contact grew with Muslims 1st leader Osman I Extended into Balkans

4 Ottoman Army Soldiers called janissaries
Captured from Christian families Forced to convert to Islam and trained in arts of warfare Captured city of Constantinople which ended the Byzantine empire

5 Important Leaders & Accomplishments
Mehmed II – changed Constantinople to Istanbul Converted Hagia Sophia (church) to mosque Captured Syria, Jerusalem, Egypt, Algiers, Mecca and Medina

6 Ottoman Empire Under Suleiman
Military expansion Built mosques, monuments Roads, bridges, schools Encouraged the arts and sciences Great literary works Advanced study of mathematics Spread Islam Surgery, medical advancements

7 Suleiman I – extended empire to
Southern Mediterranean Sea Eastern Europe - Belgrade Further into Balkans Southern Russia North Africa Tried to capture Vienna – unsuccessful Arts, science, math, medicine, libraries, schools

8 Government & Society Run by Sultan
Upper-class families kept women separate into harems Millets – non-Muslim communites (could elect own representatives Non-Muslims – pay tax to follow own faith/customs Limits on where they could live, clothing, and jobs

9 Ottoman & WWI By start of WWI – TOE was weakening
Leaders could not keep large empire together Ethnic groups wanted self-rule (not to be ruled by Sultan far away) European powers grew stronger TOE joined war w/Germany and Italy = LOST

10 * * * * * * OTTOMAN EMPIRE - 1451 OTTOMAN EMPIRE - 1481
Belgrade Constantinople Athens Rome Algiers Tunis Tripoli Cairo Damascus Jerusalem Baghdad Medina Mecca NORTH AFRICA ARABIA ASIA MINOR EUROPE Vienna Black Sea Mediterranean Sea Caspian Sea Persian Gulf Hungary * * Caucasus Mts Adriatic Sea Balkans * * * Syria Safavid Empire Egypt OTTOMAN EMPIRE * OTTOMAN EMPIRE Red Sea OTTOMAN EMPIRE OTTOMAN EMPIRE

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