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History 10: How to Think About History

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1 History 10: How to Think About History
Unit 6: The Age of Absolute Monarchs

2 Events are the products of other events
Causation Events are the products of other events Absolute monarchs were the product of a weakening of feudalism

3 Change is ongoing and ever present
As feudalism weakened the strength of monarchies grew Power centered upon a single person (king or queen) made it later possible for nation-states to develop

4 Continuity connects different historical periods and developments
Absolute monarchs justified their unlimited power by appealing to the so-called “Divine Right of Kings” They asserted God decided who would be ruler The power enjoyed by absolute monarchs was similar to the power enjoyed by Roman emperors

5 History is not a science but a perspective or story
Perspectives & Biases History is not a science but a perspective or story Bishop Bossuet, tutor to Louis XIV’s son, defended the idea of absolute monarchy with these words: “The royal throne is not the throne of a man, but the throne of God himself” People create myths to justify (defend) why they have the governments they do

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