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Industrial water reuse challenges

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1 Industrial water reuse challenges
Dr. Norbert Kreuzinger Technische Universität Wien Institute for Water Quality and Resource Management Karlsplatz 13/226-1 1040 Viernna – Austria 24/ ATG meeting MIlano - Kreuzinger

2 Water use in industry – the frame
Globally ~20% of water withdrawals for industry ~90% of that amount is cooling water usually returned to the natural water cycle at the point of withdrawal Very strong link between (production) processes and water quantity & quality required from mining to semiconductors 24/ ATG meeting MIlano - Kreuzinger

3 Is reuse of wastewater a topic at all?
Strong tendency in industry to reduce water withdrawal and per product use of water Paper: 700 l/t -> 7 l/t Steel: 280 m³/t -> 14 m³/t How: Increase of process efficiencies Increase of internal recycling rate Driver: costs Pumping of water & treatment for discharge criteria vrs. recycling for internal reuse Water – Energy – Nexus! 24/ ATG meeting MIlano - Kreuzinger

4 Closing the loop vrs. use of reclaimed water
Quality cascade Loop can not be cycled “forever” ~ 10 % “fresh”; unpolluted water has to be channelled in mainly due to losses in regeneration process and in the output stream to channel out material Internal recycling - you know what you have Quantity Quality Stability / constancy Optimized technical solutions Projectable costs 24/ ATG meeting MIlano - Kreuzinger

5 Reuse of wastewater – share of sectors
GWI (2010) GWI/PUB Water Reuse Inventory, Global Water Intelligence 24/ ATG meeting MIlano - Kreuzinger

6 Industrial reuse of wastewater
Basically, technologies are available for all applications / purposes Where there is “no” water, even today reuse in fields with very high quality demand (e.g. semiconductors in Singapure) Reuse of municipal wastewater today mainly for Petroleum Production and Refining Mining and Metals Power Manufacturing / process water Chemicals Cooling 24/ ATG meeting MIlano - Kreuzinger

7 Industrial reuse of wastewater
Potential Cooling Water Once-Through Cooling Water Systems Recirculating Evaporative Cooling Water Systems Boiler Make-up Water Industrial Process Water Pulp and Paper Industry Chemical Industry Textile Industry Petroleum and Coal 24/ ATG meeting MIlano - Kreuzinger

8 Industrial reuse of wastewater
Potential (cont) process water (for example, concrete batching plants) washdown water; fire protection (such as sprinkler systems) dust control/suppression quarries and mines Reuse of municipal wastewater for mining in US since 1940s Open channel / closed systems Prevention of aerosols to protect workers (exposure) 24/ ATG meeting MIlano - Kreuzinger

9 General challenges for industrial reuse
Substances in uww eg: NH4 contribution to corrosion nutrient for biofilm growth PO4 precipitation with Ca; NH4; … -> scaling of pipes and pumps Nutrient for biofilm growth Solids Fouling “Salts & metals” Corrosion Precipitation Pathogenic and environmental microbioloy 24/ ATG meeting MIlano - Kreuzinger

10 General challenges for industrial reuse
consequence Protection of products, processes, machinery and workers Targeted treatment for required quality to remove problematic substances may be high -> cost – benefit analysis Channelling out of concentrated “brines” with “pollutants” Addition of chemicals to prevent operational problems Antiscaling agents Antifouling agents Hardness conditioners -> topic “micropollutants” 24/ ATG meeting MIlano - Kreuzinger

11 Quality standards and requirements
Human health in focus Technical requirements / other quality parameters are in the core interest of the industry. They will do what is necessary to protect their investments eg. Australia 24/ ATG meeting MIlano - Kreuzinger

12 How to motivate industry for recycling and reuse (internal & uww)
Advertising the possibility and providing a legal framework Industry already faces consequences resulting from climate change effects on water availability and go for new permits Link “trade offs” and deals related to permissions Stringent discharge / effluent criteria Higher costs for treatment needs to meet environmental requirements brings costs closer to those for internal reuse 24/ ATG meeting MIlano - Kreuzinger

13 24/25.10.2018 - ATG meeting MIlano - Kreuzinger

14 Uww reuse from the point of a „northern“ country
Even northern countries nowadays are keen on reuse du to climate Summer 2018 Burning forsts zB Sweden No rain in Helsinki for 4 month Crop and corn did not mature Lowest flow ever in Danube river Cooling water for industry and energy production Much less hydro electric power produced “average” situation in a country < > Local situation 24/ ATG meeting MIlano - Kreuzinger

15 Example soccer fields in Austria
1 soccer field: 105 x 68 m ≈ m² There is a standard for irrigation of soccer fields (DIN ) Depending on construction of field (draining); type of lawn, weather conditions, … irrigation is needed al least 6-10 days after the last wetening rain event L/m² (15-25 mm) per irrigation event for m² that is 175 m³ per irrigation event 1 irrigation event corresponds to a daily flow of 2 L/s in a river ! At mm/a rainfall the irrigation demand for ~2.000 soccer fiels in Austria ≡ m³/a (≈ EGWhyd) Kreuzinger

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