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Information For Managers
This is a breakdown of the requirements of a manager: Where to find things Rules of the game Rules of the competition: The rule relates to non-competitive, trophy events, competitive and cups that are run by the Peter Houseman League. These rules can be found in full on the PHYL website. Why do we send out fines? Some say it is to extract money from clubs. The reason rules are put in place is to ensure fair play and consistency is maintained across the season. Fines are used to ensure rules are followed. Timescales are put in place to allow things to happen. Remember we are all volunteers and many of us do not have access to computers during the day. Why do we do it ? To provide football that is fun, safe and develops the skills of the child. As managers do you know you own club’s welfare officer and how to contact the league welfare officer. Respect. We are a respect league, there are respect measures that need to be followed. .
FA Whole Game By now if you are a manager, coach or player, you should have signed up for a Fan number. This number will stay with you throughout the time that you are involved with football. The login level on to the whole game is dependant on the roll you have within your club, league, county, etc. Prior to the start of the season, the constitution of the competition is added to the whole game. Teams and clubs are affiliated to the County association. It is the responsibility of the club secretary to monitor their own clubs status. Safe guarding measures must be completed for the club to receive an affiliation number. CRB checks for managers will effect your status. Please monitor valid dates. Players are entered into teams and then the league will register the player. The league rules require that players’ cards are still used. Information will automatically transfer into full time . Manager’s and mobile numbers Players will be listed under their teams. Transfers will need to be done via the whole game, but also a transfer form will need to be issued. You will need to contact the league secretary, so that a payment form and a card request is generated. Once players are issued with a Fan number, only the County FA can change DOB if incorrect. If you know a player will not be resigning for the upcoming season, they must be detached from your club. On the help menu you will find the following document Registering Club Players in the Whole Game. It is important that you check your own account. If you change mobile number or if the change is entered here it will filter down into full time.
FA Fulltime How does the league use full time:
Full time is where fixtures are posted. Notes to managers are posted. Changes to fixtures are made. Results are entered and match statistics are monitored. The old full time holds more information than the new one. At the start of the season leagues have to create their competitions and add teams to them on the whole game. Once the whole game imports this information, the league is unable to change anything. League Cup Fixtures and Trophy Events. The league draws a round at a time, so please don’t follow the tree created by Full Time. Due to the number of characters that can be entered in the cup field, you may not be able to see your full name. Full names of the teams will be under your home league. Cup fixtures are displayed in upcoming fixture. All teams must provide a result to the text sent by full time. If you are down as a manager for more than one team, you will receive a text for each team. If you contact your divisional secretary they will provide your team code used by the text.
Preparing For The Game All games will be posted on full time, you may need to check the old full time as well. Any changes to fixture will generate a . This is also true when a referee is appointed. A fixture as per the rules could be issued up to 5 days prior to the Sunday, however generally a fixture will not be posted after Monday prior to the coming Sunday. In the event of cancellations of county cups and league cups, fixtures may be changed. Any changes or additions of a fixture will result in a being sent by full time. The home team must confirm the details of the game with the their opponents. This should include kick off time, directions, with parking arrangements, kit colour, and if a referee has been appointed. If you have been unable to confirm the fixture or you have not heard from the home or other team, by Wednesday evening, you must contact your divisional secretary. If you have clicked on your fixture and have an appointed referee, you must contact them by Wednesday evening. Giving them full details of the fixture, you must take a contact number for the day of the game. Referee information can be found on the PHYL web site. If the game is cancelled you must inform your opponents, the referee and your divisional secretary. At the game: Respect barriers of some form should be laid out along both sides of the pitch. The spectators should be on the opposite side to the managers and coaches. If a game has the need of a lines person , then on the spectators side the respect barrier will run from the half way line to goal line at the non lines person’s end. If the referee has a guardian with them, invite them onto the same side as the coaches. The home team should provide two match balls, a match sheet to be completed, match cards must be shown prior to the kick off. It is the responsibility of the managers to conduct these checks. Conduct of all at the game: The referee has overall control on what goes on, on the pitch and the surrounding area. Team managers are responsible for their parents and other spectators (at all age groups team respect persons are to be used.)
Full Time The league uses full time to manage the leagues. It is a public website so everyone can view the information. You must make your parents aware of the fact that fixtures can be posted up to 5 days before the fixture date. We do try to ensure that they are on by the Sunday before. Parents should be proactive in providing information about availability. Make them aware of the 14 day rule. Full time time uses s and mobile numbers for team managers. Full time s fixtures postings and send text messages requesting results. Changes to fixture due to postponement, and fixture clashes will be notified by the divisional secretary. Team managers must inform their divisional secretary of any County cup fixtures and results. The following priority of fixtures are:- County Cup League Cup and league game. League cup fixtures will be posted under the league cup. Each round will be drawn out of a hat. Due to the way teams are added to the whole game the field in the league cup will not show all the information for some teams. The fixture will also appear in upcoming fixtures, where the full information is displayed. You need to log onto full time before Wednesday evening. You will need to check the fixture to see if a referee is appointed. To check if a referee is appointed go into fixtures select the fixture for the upcoming Sunday, this will open up the fixture. The match official will be displayed. Contacting the official: Referee contact lists are constantly being updated on the PHYL web page. The home team must contact the referee by Wednesday evening, they must ensure that the referee confirms the details. If the referee is unable to do the game please the You must contact the manager of your opponents by Wednesday evening and you must ensure that your opponents confirm the fixture. In the event that you cannot contact your opponents or you have not been contacted by Wednesday evening , you must contact your divisional secretary. Kick off times . These are as per to the rules. Mini football u8,u9 and u10 kick off time is after 0900 and before 1200. Small sided u11 and u12 kick off time after 1200 and before Full Sided u13, u14,u15 and 16’s kick off time after 1200 and no later than 1500. Requesting a change to the kick off time outside the time stated requires the agreement of the opposition, the referee and the approval of the divisional referee.
Checking For A Referee If a referee is appointed to the game, you will receive an from fulltime with contact details of the Referee. Checking For A Referee. L22/04/ Hatch Warren Phoenix Youth U15 FlaresOakley Youth U15 L29/04/18AFC Newbury Colts U15 Colts Black v Oakley Youth U15 Eagles AFC Newbury Colts U15 V AFC Newbury Colts U15 Colts Black U15 - Premier Division Status: Hatch Warren Phoenix Youth U15 Flares V Oakley Youth U15 Eagles Match Officials: a another To find contact details for the referee you will need to go onto The PHYL web site, if you didn’t receive the . If you are unable to find the information please inform your div sec and the referee secretary. Failure to contact and use the appointed referee will result in a charge.
Full time Responding to the text from the fa fulltime:
A text is sent to both managers on the day of the game. Each team has an unique code, you will need to know the code if you manage more than one team. 3564 v 4590 to reply to the text it is just the result or or 0 -1 to check that this has been entered into fulltime Your fixture will move from fixture to result, competitive games will show the score, non competitive will show x v x. If it is a cup game you will have the additional field aet and pens eg 1v1 aet 2v2 pen 4 v 5 only fill in aet if the competition requires extra time. Under 7’s and Under 8’s As you will be playing two games, you will not be able to enter the scores. Could you please reply to the text If the game doesn’t get played: If the game is cancelled due to weather and pitch condition reply p v p to the text. If for any other reason then the reply should be c v c. Confirmation of the result should be sent within 48hrs of the fixture, or updated on full time within 48hrs. Cancellation forms should be sent to the competition secretary and divisional secretary if the reason is anything other than weather related. Weather related reasons should be sent to the divisional secretary. These forms must be sent by both teams. You should copy in your club secretary. Incorrect scores on full time: If your score is incorrect on full time, to amend the result you can reply to the FA text again. If you do not get a text, contact your divisional secretary. They will be able to check the contact details held on full time. Please note failure to complete and send off the completed paper work could result in a fine. To fulfil the league program there may be a requirement to play on different days to a Sunday.
Match Statistics Non Competitive Leagues
Players can move between teams within the same club as long as their card goes with them. The only time players need to be in their allocated teams is in the trophy events. Players can be registered against a different team within their current club and age group prior to trophy events. The league will require match statistics to be completed within 48hrs of the fixture. It is important that both teams mark the referee, even if it is a parent, the league can use these marks to see if any trends develop. Fair play marks will be required at the end of the season, these must be completed weekly on line. All teams must complete and return cancellation forms. Failure to complete will result in a fine being issued. Competitive Leagues This year we will be using fulltime online statistic. Match statistics must be completed in full by both teams within 48hrs of the game. A team must enter their Statics within 48 hours of the fixture. They will need to provide a fair play mark and a referee mark. Failure to complete will result in a fine being issued. Cancellation forms must be completed in the normal way. Please Note: If you have had an issue at a game, please contact your club secretary who will point you in the correct direction. Complaints related to conduct will be reviewed by the county.
Marking The Referee At the end of the game both teams need to provide a mark for the referee. The following should be considered: 1. Were they at the pitch in time to do the following checks:- Pitch checks: goals, pitch markings, corner posts. Equipment checks: match ball, players boots, jewellery. To discuses their requirements with their assistance. 2. Their own dress code. 3. Understanding of the rules as per the FA, not those of the manager. 4. Was he constant and fair with his decisions. 5. His overall control of the game. 6. His use of assistant referees. 7. At young age groups were they advising both teams or coaching one. A mark out of 100 should be given, a mark less than 50% will require a written statement. A written statement will be reviewed and acted on as required.
Giving a Fair Play Mark Both team will be required to provide a fair play mark, this should be done on the day of the match. The marks should consider the sportsmanship on the pitch. The conduct of the managers and coaches. The conduct of the parents and spectators. If a mark of 50% or less will require a written report. Poor marks are generally are given due to the behaviour of spectators or and coaches. Unfortunately sometimes the conduct of some managers and parents lead to reports being sent to the county F A. The county FA deals with these issues. We are a respect league, we should not be accepting poor behaviour from anyone. Remember the referee even if they are a parent are in control of the game.
Cancellation Form When do I use a cancellation form?
This relates to all posted fixtures, it should be completed by the team managers. If a game doesn’t take place on the posted date then a cancellation form is required from both teams. The current seasons form must be used, from the PHYL web page. If the cancellation is due to weather or pitch condition, then both teams will need to complete the form stating the reason. The home team must add additional information regarding the cancellation. Such as: The grounds man advised the club that the pitch was unplayable or following a pitch inspection by name the person. In the event of weather the forms can be sent to the divisional secretary within 48hrs of the fixture. If the cancellation is for any other reason then both teams will need to complete the cancellation form, the team not calling off the game must include the time and date they where informed, and the reason given. The team calling the game off must give full details of the reason and the names of the players if they are part of the reason. Both teams must send the cancellation form to the competition secretary within 48hrs of the fixture. They must copy in their club secretary, and their divisional secretary. Failure to complete the form will put you in breach of rule A charge will be made against the team calling off the game. Until the full league process is completed, the outcome of the game will not be discussed. The outcome could be in the form of a fine and loss of points.
Requesting a Postponement
How do you request a postponement? The rules of the league state that a minimum of 14 days notices is given to the league. Non playing dates have been added to the league calendar, These only cover Christmas and Easter. A postponement form must be sent to cover a playing weekend even if there is not a fixture. Point 2 is very important if you are in a County Cup. The county will only look at non playing dates of the league. They will ask the league if they have received a postponement request. If you game is postponed due to your opponents having their postponement confirmed. The league can still provide you with a fixture. The postponement request form on the web site for the current season must be completed correctly. The form must be sent by the club secretary to the competition secretary. Copy in the divisional secretary for that team. The request will be confirmed or rejected by the competition secretary by back to the club secretary. Amendment to the fixture on Full Time will be done by the divisional secretary, and they will contact your opponents. A form not sent in by the club secretary will not be considered by the league. If your request is rejected and you do not play the fixture. A cancellation form will need to be completed by both teams. Please note- There is no point in stating that the opposition is happy to rearrange the fixture.
Transfers All Transfers are subject to the rules of the Peter Houseman Youth League. Transfer of players between leagues are subject to the relevant leagues. To instigate a transfer will be done on the whole game system. Any transfers must be advised to the competition secretary by the club requesting the transfer. A transfer form will be sent to the secretary of the club requesting the transfer. No action will be taken by the league until the competition secretary has been informed. The transfer form will be issued for each player request. The divisional secretary will be informed of the transfer request. The completion of the transfer will only be complete when :- The Transfer fee is paid. The player’s card is updated by the divisional secretary . The Transfer form is signed by the divisional secretary.
Complying to requests At times you may be required to provide information. Proof of identity the league reserves the right to request for proof of age . Request for observation if a complaint is issued against a game. The showing of registration to the league official. At any final registration cards will be checked by league official. At any game a league official can request to see the registration card. Any charges laid against a team, manage, spectator or club will be issued through the club secretary. Any formal requests must be made via the club secretary to the completion secretary. Please ensure when you are ing your divisional secretary or any officer of the league you identify your self Eg Kevin Cleveland Berg Youth CWO. When texting could you also do the same. Contacting a league office. Please do not phone or text prior to 0800 and no later than Just remember we are all volunteers.
PHYL Web Site Where to find Things.
From Full time enter the Peter Houseman Webb site The Current Web Site in use is the 2018/2019 season . Click on the non jarvis to access the menus on the left hand side . The PHYL web site will be used to update and make changes to contact details This year the hand book will be held online. Each age group will have a contact sheet and rules sheet that will be on A4 sheets. You will need to go into information and then mangers All relevant Forms will be held on the web page to down load. The League Diary is online. Please note All Sundays of the playing season are potential fixtures. Only Stated non playing dates require no postponement requests. Please note the Presentation date will be 2nd June 2019.
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