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And Your Chapter 1.

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1 and Your Chapter 1

2 Working with change Adolescence-the period of life when you prepare to be an adult When does adolescence start? What types of changes do we experience?

3 Working with change Physical change
Do they occur at the same rate for every person? Hormones-chemicals that are released in the body which are the catalysts for physical change Examples: Acne Squeakiness of a developing male voice

4 Working with change Emotional change
The same hormones that spur physical growth affect emotions Examples: Why do emotional “ups and downs” tend to diminish as we reach adulthood?

5 Working with change Intellectual change
Develop the ability to imagine the consequences of actions and to think about alternatives Develop the ability to reflect on the results of decisions and to learn from mistakes Attitudes-thoughts and judgements about the world around you Can attitudes be positive or negative?

6 Working with change Moral change
Learning the difference between right and wrong Examples: What could be the difficulty of acting accordingly?

7 Working with change Social change Peers-people your own age Examples:

8 For this activity you will need a sheet of paper and pencil.
ASSESSMENT Activity For this activity you will need a sheet of paper and pencil.



11 Personality Development
Personality-the combination of characteristics that make you different from every other person Your personality is affected by 3 different things:

12 Personality Development
Emotional Each person feels the same basic emotions Fear, happiness, pain, etc. Your personality deciphers how you react to these emotions How might two different people express sorrow?

13 Personality Development
Social People are also different in how they relate to others Preferring company vs. being alone Some prefer a combination Intellectual Qualities of the mind and how it works Deep thinkers vs. creatives It takes getting to know a person well to see the full depth of that person’s personality!

14 The Origin of Personality
Your personality can be influenced by 2 factors: Heredity-the set of characteristics that you inherit from your parents and ancestors Environment-the circumstances, objects, and conditions that surround people Which of the 2 is more influential?

15 Realizing your potential
Self-concept-how you define what you are Self-esteem-the value or importance you place on yourself Potential-becoming something more than what you are right now

For this activity you will need one piece of paper and a pen or pencil.

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