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Research Paper: Claims

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1 Research Paper: Claims

2 Although some believe restricting access to high powered semi- automatic guns leaves us open to the possibility of tyranny, in reality citizens would be made far safer through limiting the sales of such weapons. Counter Claim: Some people argue that gun violence will occur no matter what laws or restrictions are put in place because malicious people will find a way to get them illegally. Claim: Placing age restrictions on who can purchase high powered semi-automatic guns will reduce gun violence and dangerous situations for innocent victims. Claim: Requiring background checks for any person who wants to purchase a gun will help keep guns out of the wrong hands.

3 While some people believe that college should be free to all students, providing free education would be an unmanageable burden on tax payers. Counter Claim: With free college for all students, more low-income students will be able to graduate with a college education. Claim: When paying for everyone to go to college, the average American will end up paying more taxes which will reduce their income. Claim: If college is free, then more students will enroll and the cost of other education related expenses will rise for everyone.

4 Although some believe restricting access to high powered semi- automatic guns leaves us open to the possibility of tyranny, in reality citizens would be made far safer through limiting the sales of such weapons. Although some might argue that learning a second language is difficult for many high school students in reality bilingual students have more academic and professional opportunities. While some people believe that college should be free to all students, providing free education would be an unmanageable burden on tax payers. Even though some may argue that teachers are compensated well and widely respected, teachers should be paid more (given more authority and freedom to do their job).

5 Even though some might argue that immigrants put a strain on both the economy and social issues, immigrants in fact make a variety of positive contributions to society. Even though some might argue that sea turtles are not of utmost importance when it comes to environmental issues, research shows that they are in need of human interference on their behalves Despite the favorable idea that necessary nutrients essential to a healthy balanced diet come from the proteins found in meats, vegetarians maintain an extremely healthy diet and society needs to provide services that recognize their lifestyle. While many people are reluctant to get involved in family situations with abuse, children who are abused deserve more protection. Although there are groups who dispute the necessity of protecting the environment, legislation must be in place to protect and improve marine conditions. 

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