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CSE4939W/4940 CS & E Design Lab I/II

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1 CSE4939W/4940 CS & E Design Lab I/II
Prof. Steven A. Demurjian Computer Science & Engineering Department The University of Connecticut 191 Auditorium Road, Box U-155 Storrs, CT

2 Course Goals and Objectives
CSE4939W, CSE4940: Year-long sequence of two courses. Emphasis on Incremental Development via an Agile Approach Deliver 4-6 Increments – Aim for Final Alpha Extensive Testing Throughout Semester Final Poster/Presentation at Gampel

3 Student, Instructor, and Supervisor Roles
Student Team Role You Control Project - “Group Independent Study” You Make Decisions, Resolve Problems, etc. You “Apply” your Coursework/Experiences Instructor’s Role Provide a Set of Potential Project Topics Serve as Manager (and Primary Grader), Organize Meetings, Questions, etc. Supervisor’s Role Uconn/UCHC Faculty or Industrial Supervisor

4 What is the Course Approach?
Identify Problem/Proposal Develop Initial Architecture/Specification Product Backlog is the list of tasks Purpose, Objectives, Goals Defines Product High-Level Architecture Diagram Revise Architecture/Specification Based on Input Scrum is a Incremental Approach of Multiple Sprints Develop Initial Sprint that Contains Section A. Sprint Backlog Section B: User Stories/Use Cases Section C: User Based Specification/Interfaces Section D: Detailed Design Section E: Test plans Sprint is Continuously Updated Throughout Year

5 Class / Course Materials
Overheads: Intro and Projects Summary of Avialable Projects: PPT Specification Process Presentation:  PDF and Description  PDF Agile Computing Process:  PPT Scrum Reference Website, Card  PDF, & Checklist Example Software Architectures: PPT Quick Review Presentation: PPT COURSE/CLASS MATERIALS

6 Course Projects Project Proposal: DOC and PDF
Project Architectue/Specification:  DOC  and  PDF Project Sprint: DOC and  PDF Project SW Qualities:  DOC  and  PDF and Review PPT Testing:  Review PPT and Sample Files: Scenario, Web App,  Java App Project Realistic Issues:  DOC and  PDF Project Final Report and Initial User Manual: DOC and  PDF Team Assessment: DOC and  PDF Self Assessment: DOC and  PDF

Project Proposal: Team A, Team D and  Team  G Project Specification: Team A,  Team D and  Team  G Project Initial Sprint: Team A,  Team D  and  Team  G Project Final Sprint: Team A Fall  and  Team A Spring Project SW Qualities: Team A, Team D and  Team  G Project Realistic Issues: Team A,  Team D and  Team  G Project Final Report 4939W: Team A, Team D and  Team  G Project User Manual 4939W: Team A, Team D and  Team  G Final Deliverables 4940: Team A, Team H Sample Posters: ZipFile

8 Philosophy of the Sequence
Demonstrate Ability to Work as a Group with Minimal or No Guidance Team Organizes, Plans, Designs, Prototypes, and Delivers! Employ an Agile Approach – see: As W course, at least 15 single-spaced pages that go through editorial process

9 What is a Sprint? A Time-Limited (4weeks) Complete Increment that has:
Evaluation/Prioritization of to-do-list of tasks Detailed Requirements Design & Analysis Implementation & Developer Testing QA/Acceptance Testing & Deployment Sprint Document Organized as Section A. Sprint Backlog – What to do Next Section B: User Stories/Use Cases - Functionality Section C: User Based Specification/Interfaces Section D: Detailed Design – UML, ER, etc. Section E: Test plans - White-Box, Black box, etc. This Document Evolves and Expands Throughout Year

10 Schedule – Fall 2019 Assignment Assigned First Draft
Revised Version (if any) Project Proposal Sept. 11 Sept. 14 Sept. 18 High-level Specification Sept. 25 Oct. 2 Dec. 6 Jan. 21 First Sprint Sept. 23 Oct. 9 Second Sprint Nov. 6 Nov. 13 Third Sprint Dec. 4

11 Schedule – Spring 2020 https://sdcse. engr. uconn
Assignment Assigned Due Date Updated Sprint 3/Add Diagrams Last Semester Jan. 22 Demo Sprint 3/Submit Sprint 4 Feb. 26 Demo Sprint 4/Submit Sprint 5 Apr. 1 Demo Sprint 5 Apr 29 SoE SDP Day – Gampel May 1 Other Deliverables Assigned Due Date Software Quality Assessment Jan. 22 Feb. 26 Realistic Issues Apr. 1 Write up for SDP Day Jan. 29 Poster Apr. 15

12 Project Teams/Software Process Models
Team Size: 4 – 6 Members per Team With 15 students, Target 5 per Team OK to Organize Teams Across our two Sections Supervision Instructor will Provide Feedback as Primary Grader Uconn/UCHC Sponsored Project – Faculty Member Involved will Provide Input Industry Sponsored Project – Expect to work with Industry Personnel

13 Documentation Requirements and Lab Facilities
All Project Material (Project Proposal, Spec, Sprints, User Manual, etc.) MS Word, PPT, Excel All Project Presentations Must be Done Using Powerpoint (PPT) Submit Only Electronic Versions Instructions for Each Submittal Throughout the Semester SDP Lab C13 Meeting room

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