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IS200 complex. IS200 complex. (A) Organization of IS200. Short IRs (open arrows) are shown at the left end, and the relative position of the potential.

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Presentation on theme: "IS200 complex. IS200 complex. (A) Organization of IS200. Short IRs (open arrows) are shown at the left end, and the relative position of the potential."— Presentation transcript:

1 IS200 complex. IS200 complex. (A) Organization of IS200. Short IRs (open arrows) are shown at the left end, and the relative position of the potential open reading frame (hatched box) is indicated. (B) Dendrogram of IS200 family Tpases,orf1 (left) and the associated orf2 reading frames (right). (C) Relative localization of orf1 andorf2 in selected examples. The convention for the orientation of each reading frame is that frames shown above the line are transcribed to the right while those below the line are transcribed to the left. (D) Relationship between various examples oforf2 and other IS elements. aa, amino acids. Jacques Mahillon, and Michael Chandler Microbiol. Mol. Biol. Rev. 1998; doi:

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