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“Christians Are to be Doers of Good!”

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Presentation on theme: "“Christians Are to be Doers of Good!”"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Christians Are to be Doers of Good!”
Titus 3:12-15

2 This text is important for two reasons: 1) it’s possible for lawyers to be Christians. Look again at v 13 – one lawyer in the 1st Century church had Paul’s respect. His name was Zenas

3 A marriage not made in heaven!...

4 Not saying every do-gooder is a Christian, but we are saying every Christian is a doer of good all because they are saved by grace!

5 to see being a Christian is far more than having the absence of wrong
Purpose: to see being a Christian is far more than having the absence of wrong

6 I A Christian is LIGHT and SALT
A. Goodness is the Natural Result of Grace B. Grace is for Eternity and Now

7 Ephesians 2:8-10 “For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, that no one should boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”

8 I A Christian is LIGHT and SALT
A. Goodness is the Natural Result of Grace B. Grace is for Eternity and Now C. Grace is for Good Works

9 “…salt of the earth… light of the world.”
Matthew 5:13-14 “…salt of the earth… light of the world.”

10 II A Christian Meets PRESSING NEEDS
A. Pressing Needs = Restoring N.T. Christianity

11 We must concern ourselves with meeting the pressing needs our Lord alone has determined.

12 II A Christian Meets PRESSING NEEDS
A. Pressing Needs = Restoring N.T. Christianity B. Pressing Needs = Is a Pursuit

13 Christians need constantly to be learning and growing in grace…

14 III A Christian Has a DEEP PAS- SION
A. The Cause of Christ Demands Passion

15 The cause of Christ is something to which there can be no compromise…

16 III A Christian Has a DEEP PAS- SION
A. The Cause of Christ Demands Passion B. Prominent Characteristic of a Doer of Good - Consistency

17 IV A Christian is Filled with PUR- POSE
A. Empty vs. Filled Lives B. Overcoming Inferiority

18 Conclusion and Summary
1. They Have Eyes That Look for Needs 2. They Have a Heart That Fills a Burden 3. They Have Hands That Reach to Help Give to God your eyes, hands and your heart and remember: Christians are doers of good!

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