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Password: guestaccess 

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1 Password: guestaccess 

2 Using KCLS Digital Content in the Secondary Classroom
ISD Conference August 29, 2019  Using KCLS Digital Content in the Secondary  Classroom 

3 Karen Kline NBCT Teacher-Librarian Beaver Lake Middle School
z Karen Kline NBCT Teacher-Librarian Beaver Lake Middle School Angela Nolet Online Library Services King County Library System Stephanie Zero Teen Services Librarian King County Library System 

4 Password: guestaccess
Encourage everyone to use their staff logon if possible.    Password: guestaccess 

5 Quick Introductions Name/School What you teach/how long?
Do you have KCLS library card?  What are you hoping to get out of this session?  We can use the QR code and link if time runs short or not at all. It's there if we need it. (Karen linked it to a google form instead of polleverywhere due to the glitch. 

6 Pro tips for logon/password issues for staff and students
Pro tips for logon/password issues for staff and students.  (Karen 5 minutes) Kids with a shorter student id number, they need to add a zero. Librarian can lookup their number, but it is on their ID card. Where a teacher lookup their number.  Why they need to start on the student page (authentication happens on the student page, if they go directly to the Database page they will be prompted to log in to with a card number/PIN to prove they are a KCLS cardholder. Student/teacher cards won’t be able to log in. Parents can opt the child out. 

7 Databases, eBooks, and KCLS Digital Content
z Ex. Wikipedia vs Consumer Reports vs Opposing Viewpoints  Why would you use databases? Why introduce databases to your students? - (Stephanie 5 minutes) Turn and talk to the person next to you These are Premium subscription research databases Some databases have an "about" page describing the credentials of the content editors. You don't have to deal with pop-up ads Share with students why you’re using a specific database. Has an ad popped up on a student PC or on the projector, talk about why they come up.  Recommend a database to use when assigning topics.  Databases, eBooks, and KCLS Digital Content

8 Database Live Demos z Access Video – Angela Tumblebooks – Angela
Apps – Angela 

9 Going to the Public Library
z Going to the Public Library Intellectual freedom AN add a KCLS branch photo and computer photo 

10 Curated Lists of KCLS Content
another tool to consider for digital curating.

11 Attendees Search & Curate z

12 Recap: What You Hoped to Learn Today
z Recap: What You Hoped to Learn Today

13 What Resources Will You Use Now?
z Add new survey link  What Resources Will You Use Now?

14 z Questions?  Karen Kline NBCT Teacher-Librarian Beaver Lake Middle School Angela Nolet Online Library Services King County Library System Stephanie Zero Teen Services Librarian King County Library System

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