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Experimental Design Year 10 Science.

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1 Experimental Design Year 10 Science

2 What is Experimental design?
What are the “rules” for designing an experiment? As a class discuss the following questions: 1. Is there a specific way to design an experiment? 2. Are their rules scientists follow when designing an experiment? 3. Are all experiments designed in the same way? 4. What kinds of experiments have you done on your own? Some ideas you may like to discuss are: cooking, testing sports techniques, trying to fix things, etc.

3 Rules for designing an experiment:
Decide what you want to investigate – that is what are you testing in your experiment? Decide how you are going to measure the effect of what you are testing. This may be measured in numbers or observations. Choose a title that describes the effect or thing you are investigating. How do you know that the test results would not happen anyway? Control? How do you make sure the only thing that has an effect on the measurement is the thing you are testing? Is testing it once enough? Repeats? Write a statement that describes what you want to do, this is your Aim MAKE HYPOTHESIS. This is an educated guess or a prediction about the outcome of the experiment. Hypothesis must be stated in a way that can be tested by an experiment. Make a list of the things you need to do the experiments, and prepare them. Make a step-by-step list of what you will do to answer your questions. This list is called an experimental procedure or method.

4 Rules for designing an experiment continued:
Make a step-by-step list of what you will do to answer your questions. This list is called an experimental procedure or method. Do the experiment and record all numerical measurements or observations made Summarize what happened. This could be in the form of a table of numerical data or graphs. It could also be a written statement of what occurred during the experiments and may include drawings. Using the trends in your experimental data and your experimental observations, try to answer your original questions. Is your hypothesis correct? Could the design of the experiment be improved? This is the discussion. Make a brief sentence of how the experiment addressed your aim. This component is your conclusion

No matter what happens, you will learn something. Science is not only about getting "the answer." Knowing that something didn't work, is actually knowing quite a lot. Experiments that don't turn out as planned are an important step in finding an answer.

6 Experimental design in science
Watch the YouTube clip (4.15min) (4.24min)

7 Explore worksheet Using the Explore worksheet, found on Moodle, you are to read the description of an experiment and answer questions about its design.

8 Understanding the Different Types of data There are two types of data: Quantitative and Qualitative. It is important to recognize which type(s) of variables you are evaluating, as some calculations and statistical tests can only be performed on data containing one or the other type of variable. Quantitative data is data that differs in magnitude. This data can easily be measured and recorded as a number. Examples of quantitative variables include - age - height - time and - weight. Quantitative variables are easy to summarize using numerical calculations like median and average.

9 Qualitative data, sometimes referred to as categorical data, is data where the observations differ in kind. Qualitative data can be placed in categories like: gender (male vs. female) or marital status (unmarried, married, divorced, widowed). This makes it particularly good for summarizing as percentages in a pie or bar chart. Sometimes, qualitative data can be ranked. For example, a fruit survey might rank the taste of the fruit as: 1 = Very sweet 2 = Moderately sweet 3 = Slightly sweet 4 = Neither detectably sweet nor sour 5 = Slightly sour 6 = Moderately sour 7 = Very sour

10 Worksheet: Match up Definition
Collect a worksheet from your teacher

11 Vocabulary / glossary terms
Question you are trying to answer this with your experiment Independent variable the part of the experiment that is controlled or changed by the experimenter Dependent variable the part of the experiment that is observed or measured to gather data; changes because of the independent variable Control standard of comparison in the experiment; level of the independent variable that is left in the natural state, unchanged Constant part of the experiment that is kept the same to avoid affecting the dependent variable Hypothesis educated guess or prediction about an experiment’s results Qualitative observation descriptive observations such as color or texture Quantitative observation measurable observations Validity the experimental design allows for production of results relevant to the question Reliability can the experiment be repeated and gain the same results.

12 Scientific Variables (20 minutes)

13 Examples of variables in Scientific experiments..
If a scientist conducts an experiment to test the theory that a vitamin could extend a person’s life-expectancy, then: •The independent variable is the amount of vitamin that is given to the subjects within the experiment. This is controlled by the experimenting scientist. •The dependent variable, or the variable being affected by the independent variable, is life span.

14 Try for yourself Experiment 1
How do the different chemicals in fertilisers affect plant growth? Independent variable: Different chemicals in fertilisers Dependant variables: plant growth Experiment 2: How long does it take three different types of enzymes each individually to digest a litre of milk? Independent variable: type of enzyme Dependant variable: time taken to digest milk Experiment 3: What is the effect of the density of different mediums (eg. Air and glass) on the speed at which light travels? Independent variable: density of different mediums Dependant variable: speed at which light travels

15 If you were going to design an experiment to test the following what sorts of thing would you need to consider? Investigate the effects of colour on plant growth Investigate flower colour and insect attraction

16 Explain worksheet Using the Explain worksheet, found on Moodle, you are to read the description of an experiment and answer questions about its design.

17 Honeycomb Structures (2.33 min)

18 Investigation In this activity your tasks is to investigate a question of your own about the strength of honeycomb structures and then you will formulate a hypothesis based on scientific knowledge. Once you have your question you need to decide on how to design a way to answer it by constructing the different honeycomb structures out of paper, cardboard and glue and testing their strength. You will ensure that your test will be valid and provide data relevant to answering your question. ‘Handout Worksheet-Honeycomb structures’

19 Student Design Experiment
You are now going choose one of the topics from the list. You will then design and conduct an experiment in groups of two to three to test your chosen topic. You need to ensure you think about all of the things we have previously discussed.

20 Project ideas for Student Designed Experiment..
To test the effect of music on memory and whether or not listening to music affects the ability of a person to concentrate on a simple task. Can the music we listen to affect our heart rate? • Does handedness have any relation as to which eye is stronger? Does sight affect your balance? Does the shape and/or diameter of a parachute canopy affect how long it takes to land? • Which paper towel brand is the strongest? Which paper towel brand is the most absorbent? Some companies claims 40% stronger wipes. How could we test this? • What is the effect of salt on the boiling temperature of water? Which brand of nappy/ tampon/ sanitary pad holds the most liquid?

21 Project ideas for Student Designed Experiment... Continued...
Which type of cup will keep a hot drink warm longer: paper, plastic, Styrofoam, or glass? What is the best way to keep cut flowers fresher longer? Are different hand cleaning methods more effective? Do objects float better in freshwater or saltwater? Does the amount of salt and/ or light affect plant growth? Does the container size/ shape affect the boiling time of a set amount of water? How does the amount of air in a balloon rocket affect how far it flies? Or discuss an alternate idea you may have with your teacher

22 Scientific method planning
Before you are able to conduct your experiment you need to ensure you have thought carefully about all the variables involved. What equipment you will need and the procedure you will use to obtain your results. Download the Scientific Method Planning Booklet from Moodle and fill it in. Once you have had your Plan approved by your teacher and your equipment has been ordered, you are then able to begin experimental testing.

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