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Air Cadet League of Canada British Columbia Provincial Committee

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1 Air Cadet League of Canada British Columbia Provincial Committee

2 Organizing an Annual Ceremonial Review

3 What’s an ACR? mandatory Military Parade Annual
showcase achievements of the cadets during the cadet year. promote the Cadet program in the community saying “Thank You” highlight of the year for the Cadets Cadets are publicly recognized The ACR is a mandatory Military Parade organized at every squadron to showcase the achievements of the cadets during the cadet year. It is also used to promote the Cadet program in the community while saying “Thank You” to the various organizations and individuals who supported the Cadets and the Program during the Cadet year. This parade is the highlight of the year for the Cadets. The cadets are publicly recognized with awards, trophies and medals for the outstanding work they did throughout the year.

4 Whose responsibility is it to organize the ACR ?
It is a military exercise CO and his/her staff are responsible for preparing the cadets. The CO/Chair are responsible for establishing the guest list (through partnership and communication) Deadline for ordering of medals is March 31st The SSC Committee is responsible for: pre planning social aspect distribution and tracking of invitations and RSVPs greeting and care of invited guests and parents (Continued) Because this is a military exercise, the CO and his/her staff are responsible for preparing the cadets for the ACR. The CO arranges for the Reviewing Officer while the BCPC Wing Chair assigns a League Inspector for the ACR. The ordering of medals. (The ACL Service Medal, the Lord Strathcona Medal, and the Royal Canadian Legion Medal of Excellence) March 31st Deadline The Squadron Squadron Sponsoring Committee is responsible for: The pre planning of the social aspect of the ACR The distribution of the invitations and tracking of RSVPs, The greeting and care of invited guests and parents

5 Continued Light refreshments The preparation of the Program
Assigning and preparing the Master of Ceremonies. Organizing for PR coverage. Providing and set up of all equipment needed. Ordering of keeper-plaques and trophies or certificates Coordinating clean up after the ACR. SSC Chair’s Annual Report Providing light refreshments for invited dignitaries guests and cadets. The preparation of the Program (in communication with the CO) Assigning and preparing the Master of Ceremonies. Organizing for PR coverage. Providing and set up of all equipment needed. ( some set up assistance is received from the cadets) The ordering of keeper-plaques and trophies or certificates for the Cadets. Coordinating the clean up after the ACR. (Communicate with the CO for assistance from the Cadets) preparing and hand delivering the SSC Chair’s Annual Report to the League Inspector.

6 Who establishes the Guest list for the ACR?
The CO - in collaboration with the SSC Chair The CO arranges for the Reviewing Officer The BCPC Wing Chair assigns a League Inspector All invitations should be mailed or sent out by April 15 for ACRs scheduled in May or June. The CO is responsible for establishing the guest list for the ACR in partnership and through communication with the Squadron Sponsoring Committee Chair . This is usually done when the training plan for the year is prepared and presented to the SSC for approval of the Budget.

7 Who sets the date and time for the ACR?
The CO sets the Date and Time for the ACR This is usually done when the training plan for the year is prepared and presented to the SCC for approval of the budget.

8 Pre-planning for an ACR
Guest list News Letter to parents. Invitations with Letter from SSC Chair. invite dignitaries. trophies/plaques Cadets who are aging out. List award recipients and assigned presenters. First Aid attendant Establish the Guest list with the CO. Send out information about the ACR in the March or April News Letter to parents. Design Invitations for mail-out with a Letter from SSC Chair. Mail and or invitations to invited dignitaries. Liaise with the CO to have trophies/plaques engraved. Order mugs/plaques for Cadets aging out. Prepare a list of Award recipients and assigned presenters. Discuss with CO for a First Aid attendant at the ACR

9 What Equipment is required at the ACR?
Podium and PA system Tables /chairs (number required) Table Cloths Coffee urns/Tea pots Hot water Cold drinks (lemonade or ice tea)Bottled water Garbage Bags Ice Napkins Paper cups and or plates Plastic cutlery/stir sticks Serving Spoons Serving plates and or Bowls Extension Cords First aid.

10 How many volunteers are needed to plan and host an ACR
This number is usually determined by the Directors of each SSC and it depends on the number of parent volunteers that are available. By preparing a list of responsibilities and approaching specific members to step up to these responsibilities, the work load is greatly reduced.

11 What areas of the ACR are the Squadron Sponsoring Committees marked on by the Air Cadet League Inspectors?


13 What information is required in the ACR Program?
Biography Background of Air Cadet League and Cadet movement in BC Partnership role Schedule and order of events Cadet Parade positions Squadron Officers and Squadron Sponsoring Committee Brief background of Squadron. Recognition of the BC Gaming Commission Recognition of all Civic groups Individuals and Companies that supported the Squadron throughout the year. Biography of RO and ACL Inspector Background of Air Cadet League and Cadet movement in BC (text provided by BC Committee) Partnership role between DND, ACL & Squadron Squadron Sponsoring Committee Schedule and order of events including when to stand and be seated Reviewing Party listed Cadet Parade positions listed Squadron Officers and Squadron Sponsoring Committee listed Brief background of Squadron. Recognition of the BC Gaming Commission for any Gaming grants received. Recognition of all Civic groups Individuals and Companies that supported the Squadron throughout the year.

14 Any other Questions?

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