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It’s not a thing of the past….

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Presentation on theme: "It’s not a thing of the past…."— Presentation transcript:

1 It’s not a thing of the past….
BULLYING It’s not a thing of the past….

2 So, what is bullying? An argument between friends? Is it?
NO! But… this could lead to bullying.

3 So, what is bullying? A fight in the playground? Is it?
NO But… this could lead to bullying.

4 So, what is bullying? Is it?
Bullying is an unprovoked, sustained campaign of aggression towards someone in order to hurt them for the sake of it. YES

5 Where does it happen?

6 What forms can it take?

7 Think for 30 seconds….. Has there been a time that you have witnessed bullying? What did you do? What was your role? Were you…… B What are the effects of bullying?

8 What can we all do? Come up with some ideas about how to solve bullying. To stop bullying we can….

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