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About Me.

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1 About Me

2 Syllabus/Parent Letter
You and your parents need to sign the last page of the syllabus and get it back to me by Friday the 16th. The use of cellphones will only be allowed during specific assignments. Get out your phone and text 81010: 1st 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th

3 Today’s Objective Today, we’ll be going over rules and procedures.
I expect that you learn these and follow them everyday.

4 I do, You do. This is super important!
I don’t like to yell. I will, but I’m not a fan of it, so if you want to keep your hearing intact, here is how you prevent it. If at any point I stop talking during my lecture, you stop talking. I know you all have important things going on outside of my classroom, but while you are in class I need your focus. If you are given work peer work, you need to keep your voices down, there is no reason to yell across my room.

5 Rules Listen to and read the directions thoroughly.
Arrive early-If you’re early, you’re on time; if you’re on time, you’re late; if you are late, you missed something important. ( I will not stop the class to go back for you.) Enter my room quietly and get started on the DO NOW. Do your assignments-everything you do is important. Do not interrupt other students’ learning- your conversation should stop when you enter my classroom. Bring your materials to class every day-this means a notebook, pens and pencils, loose paper and a binder to organize everything. Raise your hand before speaking-wait for me to verbally call on you (a mere look is not reason for you to start speaking).

6 Rules Listen to others and participate in class discussions: stay on topic and if you are responding to another student, use their name. Ex. I agree with what Susan stated about (blank) because it shows us what the author is trying to say about slavery. Pick up after yourself-your parents are not here to pick up after you. Leave other people’s materials alone-don’t steal or mess with another students’ stuff. Do not touch anything that doesn’t belong to you. No vandalism-do not write or carve on your desk or school property such as walls, white boards, the promethean board etc. If you are not in your assigned seat when the bell rings, you are tardy. Keep in mind those “tardies” add up and will affect you ability to opt out of my final at the end of the year.

7 Consequences 3 Strikes and you’re out
1st time-Verbal Warning 2nd time- Home 3rd time-Disciplinary referral-An administrator will get involved. This usually results in supervised study, Friday School, ISS, or OSS. *Major violations will be dealt with by the administration and on site police, regardless of the above sequence of consequences. *Cheating will be handled using the Honor Code. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. This includes not citing properly, using an old assignment from another class, buying a paper from a website, or having a parent rewrite your paper. Trust me, it is easier to write it yourself, than it is to deal with the Honor Code Committee.

8 Rewards Verbal Praise. Positive parent phone calls or s. Tell me if this is your preferred reward. I would prefer to tell parents good things! Student of the week gets their name posted on my website and a special reward designated by me.

9 How to enter-Student of the Week
No tardies for the week. No disciplinary measure taken. Work handed in on time and completed. Follows directions and actively listens. Basically, if you come in and go above and beyond what you are asked to do, I will take notice and put you in the running for SOTW.

10 What to bring everyday Notebook-exclusively for note taking.
Loose paper-you will be doing Do Now’s at the beginning of most class periods. Pens-Black and Red Pencils-Mechanical (I do not have a pencil sharpener)

11 Your phone is collateral
If you need to borrow anything from me I will require you hand in your phone until the end of class. This includes, but is not limited to: a pen or pencil, a sheet of paper, a new copy of an old assignment, etc. If you do not want to borrow from me, find a willing classmate BEFORE the bell rings. If I see you wandering around asking for something after, I will require you to sit down and ask me for the item YOU forgot to bring.

12 Make up Work Make up work will be in the file folders on the desk in the front of the room with the newest assignment up front. I will only keep five days of assignments in these folders due to the nature of late work. YOU are responsible for looking at the white board everyday to see if you missed anything the day before. This is where I post all of the assignments as well as on my website. You are also responsible for getting notes from a classmate if you missed a day of notes, were late to class, or took a bathroom break during my lecture.

13 Tests There will be no talking, humming, or disruptive behavior of any sort during testing. This will result in a zero even if you are finished with the test. Cheating of any kind will result in a zero. If you receive a zero on a test, there will be no make up. Your parents will be called that day, and an administrator will be made aware of your actions.

14 BAthroom Only one student will be allowed out for a bathroom break at any time. Do not ask to use the bathroom while I am lecturing. You will end up missing something important and get behind in your notes. If you do get permission to go, take the lanyard by the door with you and bring it back. Basically it is in your best interest to use the restroom during the time in between classes or when you have been given time to work on your assignments alone.

15 Exit Ticket If you see this, it means BE QUIET, pop quiz time.

16 Exit Ticket How do you enter the room?
What do you need to bring each day? What will be your favorite reward?

17 Homework Tonight Introduce yourself in a letter. Tell me about who you are, what you like, things that are important to you. What do you value? This is your chance to show me YOU. This is the EASIEST 100% YOU WILL EVER GET. There is no reason not to do this assignment. Please write in complete sentences following a formal letter format.

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