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Exploring and Entering Data

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1 Exploring and Entering Data

2 Topics Portfolio Terminology Element Map Portfolio Navigation
Portfolio Tips Accessing Your Portfolio Exploring existing data in your Portfolio Entering data into personal information section 10/7/2019

3 Portfolio Terminology
Expand: Click on + to see a list of the components of a category Collapse: Click on – to make that list go away Element: The smallest category of organization within Portfolio Builds: Areas where Portfolio is being improved Official Information: Information added by U of M administrative system Unofficial Information: Information added by student; self-reported information At Portfolio Camp, they stressed the use of a few terms to keep all Portfolio users on the “same page” Jump to Portfolio to show + and – symbols Avoid + and – on personality inventory 10/7/2019

4 Element Map A map of official and unofficial information
To get there, click on “Element Map” 10/7/2019

5 Element Map Legend SR = Self-Reported (unofficial) UM = U of M Administrative System (official) + = Element(s) can be expanded - = Element(s) are fully expanded 10/7/2019

6 Portfolio Navigation Always single click
To avoid losing your work, click save Don’t use browser buttons; use navigation within the Portfolio program Your choice of Enter, Share, View, Cancel or Save Use these instead of your browser’s back and forward buttons and close button (x in upper corner) 10/7/2019

7 Which of these categories can we expand. How. Which can we collapse
Which of these categories can we expand? How? Which can we collapse? How? Name an element you see on this page. 10/7/2019

8 Use enter, share, view, save, or cancel Do NOT use your browser’s back, forward, or close

9 Logging Out of Portfolio
Leaving your Portfolio open will allow others using your computer access to everything stored in your Portfolio They will be able to add & delete your information, and grant access to others Prevent this by logging out completely 10/7/2019

10 Logging Out Click on “Logout” on Portfolio screen
Logout of U of M screen Good Habits: Delete Temporary Internet Files Tools Internet Options Temporary Internet Files Delete Files Close all windows by clicking on File then Close 10/7/2019

11 Portfolio Tips Tips that appear in the upper right corner of your screen Excellent information and reminders about efficient Portfolio use 10/7/2019

12 Portfolio Tip 10/7/2019

13 Portfolio Tip 10/7/2019

14 Portfolio Tip 10/7/2019

15 Portfolio Tip 10/7/2019

16 Accessing Your Portfolio
Access your Portfolio by using your U of M internet ID and password Portfolio is available for your use anytime EXCEPT between 4:00am and 6:30AM CST Have them log into their Portfolio 10/7/2019

17 Exploring and Entering Data

18 10/7/2019

19 10/7/2019

20 We will be working in “Enter”
Add new information to your Portfolio View, edit, delete, information already in your Portfolio 10/7/2019

21 Three options: Enter, Share, View

22 10/7/2019

23 This is a GREAT portfolio tip!!!

24 Assignment 1 Only for CSD 4010
Enter 2 items in personal information section Enter 1 item in Remember to refer to Portfolio Tips for assistance in completing this section! 10/7/2019

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