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Bell Ringer Find and correct the 10 errors.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer Find and correct the 10 errors."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringer Find and correct the 10 errors. On August 6, 1965 President Lyndon Johnson sign a law that made it easyer for African Americans to vote in US elections. Up until that time, some communitys attempted to discriminate agains black people and members of other minority group. They requird voters to take written tests or pay special taxes four the write to vote The Voting Rights Act of put an end to voter discrimination.

2 Review Yesterday’s Reading
What happened in the reading yesterday? What is this speech about? How is she convincing Congress to support her cause? Is her speech effective so far? Why or why not?

3 Objective Objective: I can summarize a speech and determine how an author’s use of rhetoric builds their argument.


5 Plan for Today With your partner, you will be assigned a section of the text. First, read your section of the text. Second, summarize your section. Third, find 2 examples of rhetoric. Explain what type of rhetoric is being used and why Catt used that. How does it build her argument?

6 In order to do this… Rules of working with a partner or group:
Talking to your partner On topic In a whisper

7 All the things you need! what to do how to do which section to do
30 minutes!!!! what to do how to do which section to do With your partner, you will be assigned a section of the text. First, read your section of the text. Second, summarize your section. Third, find 2 examples of rhetoric. Explain what type of rhetoric is being used and why Catt used that. How does it build her argument? Rules of working with a partner or group: Talking to your partner On topic In a whisper With your turn/talk partner, you will be assigned a section of the text… Section 1: “Second, the suffrage…” to “Do you realize that women…?” Section 2: “Your party platforms…” to “We know you will meet…” Section 3: “To you and the supporters…” to the end.

8 What have you learned so far?
What is the most powerful part of the section you read? What type of rhetoric does she use most? Why do you think she uses that the most?

9 Bell Ringer Find and correct the 10 errors. Agnes Bojaxhiu were born in Macedonia on August 27, 1910 when Agnes turned 18 years old, she joined a community of nuns and moved to Calcutta India. There she was nown as Mother Teresa. While teaching at St. Marys High School, Mother Teresa caught a glimps of how Calcutta's poorest people lived. Soon she devoded her life to working in the citys slums. That work earned her the Nobel Piece Prize in 1979.

10 Let’s read each section together!
After we read a section, we’ll discuss it. If you had this section, I am calling on YOU!!! Be prepared to answer. Pay attention if it wasn’t your section because you want to learn this information!

11 Let’s discuss!! Summarize your section for the class.
Explain how the author makes their argument in your section. What type of rhetoric does the author use? Why?

12 What is the central idea of this article?
We will be talking more about central idea next week, but basically, central idea is just like theme… it is the message the author is sending. What message is Elizabeth Chapman Catt trying to send?

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