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Welcome! MINT TNT: Fort Wayne, USA.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! MINT TNT: Fort Wayne, USA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! MINT TNT: Fort Wayne, USA.

2 Your trainers: Melinda (Mindy) Hohman, Ph.D
-Professor of Social Work at University of San Diego -Author of Motivational Interviewing in Social Work Practice -Co-Host of MINT TNT in San Diego -MINT member since 1492 -Soon-to-bed Grandma Paul

3 Your trainers: Paul Burke, M.A.
-Practicing MI (mental health/addictions) since 1994 -Masters thesis on curriculum development in MI -facilitated more than 350 workshops to date for 5000 participants -leads an MI training team of 5 MINT trainers in Canada Paul

4 Trainer Supports: Katie Brogan, Ph.D., R.D
Assistant Professor, Pediatric Prevention Research – Detroit, MI MINT Member since 2009 Co-Author Minority Youth-SCOPE coding system Paul

5 Trainer Supports: Jennifer Hettema, Ph.D.
-Assistant Professor, University of Virginia -Clinical psychologist -Researches brief interventions in medical settings and mechanisms of action of MI Paul

6 Our “theme for today” …is the spirit of MI as it relates to practice and to training Colleen

7 Trainer Development: Strengths & Weaknesses

8 3 Primary Rules!

9 You are required to have fun!
Or else!

10 Please be respectful… By ensuring that that your cell phone will not wake anyone who may be sleeping!

11 Urgent and/or Important!

12 Urgent and/or Important!

13 Urgent and/or Important!

14 Urgent and/or Important!

15 Urgent and/or Important!

16 Time is of the essence! We’re going to “crunch” 4000 hours of training into the next 3 days. Please feel free to miss as much time as you choose as long as you are not offended that we start without you!

17 Invest in getting to know each other …
And - be cautious about the need to accomplish the exercises in the time allotted. To get the most out of the training, both things are important!

18 “If you’re unhappy and you know it … “
“…then you’re face will surely show it…” But – just in case we miss the cue – please tell one of us about it!

19 And please … whatever you do …

20 Help us be your servants!

21 Questions that arise in you…
…are just invitations to ask! Ask one of us Ask someone in your group Ask yourself! Paul

22 A space for sharing!

23 Language Challenges If you can’t understand someone – either in the plenary or smaller group sessions, please say so. If you don’t say anything, we will assume you understand. If we can’t be understood, can we give each other permission to interrupt us? Seeking clarification is part of a respectful style of collaboration. Paul

24 Get the most out of the training (don’t take a back seat)
Language Challenges Get the most out of the training (don’t take a back seat) Paul

25 And… please hand in questions that you may have for:

26 Which group are you in? Later today, we will explain more about the four “practice labs” that you will participate in tomorrow… Paul

27 Workshop as a “microcosm”
Many processes that we encounter here will parallel experiences the experiences of trainers and learners in MI workshops outside of here. Paul

28 We tag some items as “Meta-Issue”
The workshop is a multi-layered environment Purpose: reflecting on the workshop process Using the workshop as our ‘laboratory’ Paul

29 We tag some items as “Meta-Issue”
Your opportunity to monitor us Time out – discuss process as trainers Jump back – continue as learners Anyone, anywhere, anytime may call “TIME OUT – META ISSUE!” Paul

30 Effective training involves reflection/observation…
Reflecting on your reflections… What have you seen so far? Paul

31 2 Truths and a Lie! -2 truths about yourself or your life
-1 “not so true” statement about you -We guess! Paul

32 Consider your previous trainers…
What were their strengths? What could they have done better? What are your strengths and what would you like to do better?

33 Planning to Learn Plan for it Try it On Day 3 we’ll revisit it
Note the “Meta Issue” with planning for learning in projects Paul

34 Time for a Break!

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