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The diagram shows the manner in which remodeling can modify the cross-sections of blood vessels. The diagram shows the manner in which remodeling can modify.

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Presentation on theme: "The diagram shows the manner in which remodeling can modify the cross-sections of blood vessels. The diagram shows the manner in which remodeling can modify."— Presentation transcript:

1 The diagram shows the manner in which remodeling can modify the cross-sections of blood vessels.
The diagram shows the manner in which remodeling can modify the cross-sections of blood vessels. The starting point is the vessel at the center (shaded). Remodeling can be hypertrophic (e.g., doubling of cross-sectional area, vessels in the right column), eutrophic (no change in cross-sectional area, vessels in the center column), or hypotrophic (halving of the cross-sectional area, vessels in the left column). These forms of remodeling can be inward (e.g., 30% reduction in lumen diameter, vessel in the top row) or outward (e.g., 30% increase in lumen diameter, vessels in the bottom row). Reprinted from reference (23), with permission. Arif Asif et al. CJASN 2006;1: ©2006 by American Society of Nephrology

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