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Empirical Software Engineering Research Project

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1 Empirical Software Engineering Research Project
MEXT supported projects Project leader: Koji Torii, NAIST e-Society: Software Infrastructure Development Projects 8 projects, 1.2 billion JPY in total in financial 2003 5 years project, 200 million JPY in financial 2003 Annually reviewed by MEXT New office in Senri-Chuo in Osaka Matching fund needs industrial money MEXT demands the project not only do research, but make an impact on industry

2 Our Approach Need short term results
Create software tools as well as research outputs Gather engineers from companies and develop tools

3 Project Hierarchy Technical Committees -Metrics -Security
-Process Improvement -Formal Method  … Associate Companies Associate Universities Core Company -NTT Software -Hitachi -Hitachi GP -SRA Core Univ. -NAIST -Osaka Univ. Senri Lab -Manager -Secretary -Company engineers -Univ. researchers

4 Target:Empirical SE Data Infrastructure
Analysis Open-source Software Data Collection Feedback Associate Organizations Software Development Organization

5 Current Target Development Environment
Open source development tools CVS: versioning MailMan: main management Gnats: bug trace Existing Web interface Corporate Source (ZeeSource)

6 Standardizing Empirical SE Data
Product data History by CVS Product definition in XML Process Data Event data in XML Transform from various log files

7 System Architecture GUI (5) PostgreSQL+XML Plug-in (6) (6-2) (6-3)
Manager Developer Analysis Tools(Next release) Estimation Tools Similarity Tools ... GUI (5) PostgreSQL+XML Plug-in (6) (6-2) (6-3) (6-4) (5-0) XML-DB Repository Standardized Data RubyScript Translator1 Translator3 GUI Translator2 Other Tools (Next release) (2) (3) (4) Manager Developer (1) Option1 Option2 CVS Mail Gnats (bug-rep.) Log & objects CorporateSource Software Development Environments

8 Future Plan Demonstrate a first prototype at the workshop in Nov. 2003
Distribute the prototype to companies in 2004 Organize a consortium for promotion Write papers and demonstrate the prototype in various conferences

9 5 Year Goals and Current Action Items
5 Year Goal: To inspire collaborative work by industry and academia on developing effective approaches to high-productivity, high-reliability, and high-security software Current Action Items: Publicizing Empirical Software Engineering approach and industry/academic collaboration Promote experimental prototype and initiate collaborative relations Develop future plans

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