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Meet the Teacher Wednesday 28th August.

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Presentation on theme: "Meet the Teacher Wednesday 28th August."— Presentation transcript:

1 Meet the Teacher Wednesday 28th August

2 Our school vision & values

3 Ready Safe Caring #ProudtobePinkie Relentless Routines:
Wonderful Walking Meet & Greet Hands Up for Silence

4 Our Rules: Ready Safe Caring
Rule Reminder: Reminder Warning Last Chance Consequence Repair

5 Over & Above Recognitions
*Certificate Home *Cheery Chat

6 Let’s talk and sort it out Restorative Practice
What Happened? What were you thinking? How did you feel/ are you feeling now? Who else has been affected? What do you need to do?

7 Zones of Regulation

8 Literacy 5 times a week Handwriting – Neat and clear
Reading in groups or through a class novel One focused writing lesson each week

9 Numeracy 5 times a week Daily Mental maths
Number processes ( - + x divide) Learning our number bonds automatically Topic maths – time, money, sequences, shape, symmetry, data handling etc. You can support your child at home by looking at numbers, patterns, number bonds, times tables, amounts in recipes, prices in shops, telling time

10 Health and Wellbeing Health and Wellbeing is a key focus in our school
HWB includes physical and mental wellbeing Nurturing environment Pinkie 15, yoga/relaxing, music, Health Promoting School- Healthy Snacks

11 Interdisciplinary Learning (IDL)

12 What’s in IDL? Pupil Voice – what and how do they want to learn (within reason!) Playbased particularly in P1-3 Outdoor Learning Trips Use of ICT to support learning Creativity Skills for life and work

13 We keep homework simple
Termly grid with suggested home learning activities Children can share learning in school if they like

14 Home School Partnership
What can you do to help your child? Parent Helpers – trips, in class, events Pinkie Parents Website, Twitter for updates Let us know if there is anything which may affect your child’s learning Make an appointment with class teacher/relevant staff if you need to talk with staff

15 Be prepared… We will need PC1 forms completed and any medication required Photo Permission Change of shoes Children are to wear school jumper or polo shirt Healthy snack, packed lunch if required, school bag and coat for changeable conditions

16 If you have any general questions please feel free to ask.
Thank you for attending ‘Meet the Teacher’ If you have any general questions please feel free to ask.

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