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Drama Techniques. LO: To use a range of drama techniques in order to create a piece of documentary theatre.

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Presentation on theme: "Drama Techniques. LO: To use a range of drama techniques in order to create a piece of documentary theatre."— Presentation transcript:

1 Drama Techniques. LO: To use a range of drama techniques in order to create a piece of documentary theatre.

2 Learning Outcomes By the end of the lesson you should be able to…
Recall how to use your team working skills linked to Q3 and recall how you used focus and concentration linked to Q2. Describe how you used your personal goals to achieve the LO linked to Q4. Explain how you used your previous knowledge and skills of drama techniques linked to Q1.

3 Flash forward Teamwork Physical theatre Spotlighting
Soundscape Thought tracking Blackout Split scenes Still image Rolling tableau Whole class drama Acting Flash black Flash forward Teamwork Physical theatre Spotlighting Character analysis Scene acting Freeze frames

4 Independent learning Write up all the technique we have done today and write down what they are and how you could use them. Progress/Drama Diaries in next lesson!!!

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