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Brainstorm PD Topics 2015-2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Brainstorm PD Topics 2015-2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Brainstorm PD Topics

2 What kinds of DATA (things you want or need to know)
. . . will you collect in order to provide supportive and relationship-based ECS services? At the Start

3 Data Categories and Questions EXAMPLE
Has the team worked together before? How many years in EC? What is the teacher most looking forward to this year? What is the best form of communication in between visits? Best meeting times? What’s the status on ASQ screenings? What is the daily routine?

4 Data Categories and Questions EXAMPLE
Technical Info: What is the best form of communication in between visits? Best meeting times? Classroom Info: What’s the status on ASQ screenings? What is the daily routine? Teacher Background Info: Has the team worked together before? How many years in EC? TeacherThoughts/Attitudes: What is the teacher most looking forward to this year?

5 Early Childhood Specialists Professional Development--September
Building Relationships

6 Brainstorm Using (1) post-it note per response, answer these questions: Who do you build relationships in programs? How do you do this?

7 Organize Organize the post-its into groups- Name it.
Organize the groups into hierarchies.

8 Layout Arrange the post-its on the chart paper to represent the connections by placing related items next to each other.

9 Link Draw lines and arrows to connect and show the relationship as well as a word/phrase to specify the relationship.

10 Concept Map Debrief your concept map: Building Relationships

11 Reflection Discussion
What struggles do you face in these relationships?

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