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Chun-Hung Lu, Shih-Hung Wu, LiongYu Tu, Wen-Lian Hsu

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Presentation on theme: "Chun-Hung Lu, Shih-Hung Wu, LiongYu Tu, Wen-Lian Hsu"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Design of An Intelligent Tutoring System Based on the Ontology of Procedural Knowledge
Chun-Hung Lu, Shih-Hung Wu, LiongYu Tu, Wen-Lian Hsu Intelligent Agent Systems Lab, Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, R.O.C

2 Agenda Our ontology: INFOMAP The Event, Process & Actions
Constructing Knowledge with INFOMAP The Application Conclusion

3 Our ontology: INFOMAP

4 Components of the INFOMAP
The purpose of INFOMAP is to identify possible topics and events in natural language. We present a context sensitive model for concept understanding. Our model emphasizes knowledge utilization rather than its representation. Many different representation schemes can be combined in our understanding model and the specific scheme of representation is immaterial.

5 Template matching Step1. Foundations of concept definition
Concept E1, E11, E12 Step2. Describing the relation of collocation, order, association, causality, sentence pattern… kc Step3. Finally, we can combine some template for context sensitive matching

6 Question Answering Based on INFOMAP
QA System Question Template matching by some relations. Suggest answer Answering

7 Biological Map -using in DNA, protein matching, pathway matching…

8 The Event, Process & Actions

9 Event, Process Each event can be associated with a collection of expected events and process (these are also called related events and process). For example, “go shopping” might be associated with the events of driving, parking, eating at a booth, window shopping, bargaining, paying the cashier, packing and etc. John gives the book to Mary Our system also contains the knowledge-frame of a series of events. A collection of events can form a knowledge-frame called script. Inside a script, there are usually some temporal constraints among its events. Each event can be associated with a collection of expected events and scripts (these are also called related events and scripts). For example, “go shopping” might be associated with the events of driving, parking, eating at a booth, window shopping, bargaining, paying the cashier, packing and etc. Similarly, each script can be associated with a collection of expected events and scripts. Such association relationships can be regarded as the knowledge-frame of expected events and scripts.

10 Why Do We Need Actions? Event Process Process 1 Action Action1 Action2
A fish tank contains 5 large fish and 65 small fish. How many fish are there in the tank? [Contain]- (AGNT) -> [fish tank] (OBJ) -> [5 large fish] -> [65 small fish] Event Process Process 1 5 Add 65 A1: Check position A2: Do addition A3: …. Action Repeating frame Action1 Action2 Other Actions … Other frmaes ……. Frame Maybe need some UI?

11 Constructing Knowledge with INFOMAP -an example based on arithmetic

12 Constructing Declarative Knowledge
Domain Knowledge Curriculum Problem solving process Assessment What’s unit it locates? What Concepts the student make some mistake? Deficient knowledge detection Declarative knowledge Procedure knowledge

13 Problem Definition if i represent position , then we can use T3*100 + T2*10 + T1 to represent augend, Bn to represent addend. X,Y,Z represent answer (the sum). The arithmetic handle the relations between Tn, Bn

14 The Relation of Numeral
Based on the basic knowledge of natural numbers. If we use “i” to represent position, there exist 3 relations in any position Tn > Bn Tn < Bn Tn = Bn We can separate the relations into more detail cases for teaching more specific concept ( e.g. ZERO)

15 The Pattern of Concepts
We can enumerate various concept into template automatically by giving some conditions.

16 Constructing Curriculum
unit1: introduce symbol sense and number sense, where the numbers are < 10 (Number sense and Numeration) unit 2: introduce symbol sense and number sense , where the numbers are < 20 (Borrow, ) Associating concepts with the teaching units

17 Constructing Procedure Knowledge
Domain Knowledge Curriculum Problem solving process Assessment What’s unit it locates? What Concepts the student make some mistake? Deficient knowledge detection Declarative knowledge Procedure knowledge

18 The Procedural Knowledge of Subtraction
If this is a process, how many actions do we need? Concept Flow based on Brown & Burton

19 The Visualization of a Process
1. Check position 2. A loop to compare relation between Tn, Bn 2.1 Borrow 2.2 Compute digits

20 Subtraction Process Represented by XML

21 Systematic and Predictable Errors
We conducted an experiment in which 2590 students from 10 different schools participated in the test There are 11 indigenous errors which were not reported by Brown and Burton, 1978;

22 Constructing Procedure Knowledge
Domain Knowledge Curriculum Problem solving process Assessment What’s unit it locates? What Concepts the student make some mistake? Deficient knowledge detection Declarative knowledge Procedure knowledge

23 The Application

24 Producing an Assessment.
Student login Loading the unit assigned by teacher Generating all question types in this unit Loading student record Deciding the difficulty for the student Student’s answer Deficient Knowledge Detection Is there Bug? no Increasing the difficulty level for the student Give an assessment Deciding the sub-unit

25 The System Front-end interface Back-end engine The Curriculum’s unit
A B The Curriculum’s unit The assessment generate from concepts

26 The Diagnosis of Student’s Learning
Student no.3’s Record & deficient knowledge diagnosis All Student’s overlay C classifying students’ error types A B

27 Conclusion

28 Conclusion We intend to assist the teacher to accomplish the following tasks: Develop teaching strategies with personal style. Observe students’ learning map. By detecting and classifying students’ error types, the teacher design appropriate teaching strategies. The system will record students’ behavior, which can provide more feedback to teachers.

29 Thanks!

30 簡單說, script的每一步以F(A,B)表示,其下的內容則告訴我們系統要如何從參數A、B得到結果。如左圖所示。

31 Spelling Errors

32 Constructing Procedure Knowledge
Domain Knowledge Curriculum Problem solving process Assessment What’s unit it locates? What Concepts the student make some mistake? Deficient knowledge detection Declarative knowledge Procedure knowledge

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