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Programs & Services for Ontario Agri-Food Exporters

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1 Programs & Services for Ontario Agri-Food Exporters
George Borovilos Director, Business Development Branch Ministry of Agriculture and Food Ministry of Rural Affairs

2 Overview Ontario Agri-Food Exports OFEX – Assist and Facilitate
OFEX Successes Asia/Pacific Opportunities The strength and diversity of Ontario’s agri-food exports Seven ways Ontario Food Exports (OFEX) program assists agri-food exporters OFEX’s successes Upcoming opportunities in the Asia/Pacific markets

3 Ontario Agri-Food Exports
Ontario agri-food exports have continued to grow since the signing of NAFTA As you can see from this figure Ontario agri-food exports have had general growth for the past six years In 2012, for the first time, Ontario exports exceeded $10 billion! We are currently on track to exceed $11 billion in 2013 Source: Statistics Canada, International Trade Division, 2012

4 BICO Statistics-2012 Cdn$ Billions
A unique feature of Ontario agri-food exports, compared to other Canadian provinces, is the majority of our exports are value added – 86% This BICO, or Bulk (wheat) –Intermediate (flour) -Consumer Added (bread). Comparison illustrates that Ontario’s strength is providing value added products to international markets Source: Statistics Canada, International Trade Division, 2012

5 Ontario Agri-Food Exports by Product Category 2012 Total: $10
Ontario Agri-Food Exports by Product Category 2012 Total: $10.8 billion Understandably this slide is hard to read but I wanted to show it to you to demonstrate the diversity of Ontario’s agri-food industry. Ontario’s export product mix is among the most diverse in North America. Which means we don’t ‘put all our eggs into one basket’. Source: Statistics Canada, International Trade Division, 2012

6 2012 Ontario Agri-Food Exports by Market
Clearly the United States is our number one market with 75% of our agri-food exports heading just south of the border. Ontario’s food exports to markets other than the United States have more than doubled since 2003, accounting for 22.2 per cent in 2012 or $2.7 billion, with top markets including China, Hong Kong and Japan. These market represent consider growth and opportunity for Ontario’s food exporters and is the reason why were are here today. Source: Statistics Canada, International Trade Division, 2012

7 Seven Ways OFEX Assists Food Exporters
Export Consulting Trade Advisors Seminars Trade Missions Trade Shows Market Research Communications By now, I hope you understand the strength, variety and global nature of Ontario agri-food exports I now wish to tell you the seven ways the Ontario Food Exports program from OMAF assists Ontario food exporters. Export Consulting Trade Advisors Seminars- PROFIT/sector/geographic Trade Missions - incoming/outgoing/virtual Trade Shows Market research/resource library Communications – industry updates/special studies

8 Export Consulting Leverage Business Relationship Target Markets
Client Export Capacity Target Markets Business Relationship Leverage Given this approach our eight senior export officers spend considerable time working one-on-one with Ontario food manufacturers to understand their businesses and their strategy for exporting. Our strategic approach: Know the Ontario exporters, their capabilities and goals Work to support them in their export capacity development Focus on target markets that represent the strongest potential for export sales in the short to mid term Build and maintain relationships with key buyers who represent the best opportunity for Ontario suppliers Leverage federal and other provincial government investments that can return a benefit to Ontario

9 Trade Advisors OFEX utilizes industry experts in key markets – two US trade advisors – one in NY and one in Chicago – these individuals know the trade and provide direct linkages to industry buyers. Additionally we have a part-time advisor in the UK who works on special projects with our team and key clients.

10 Seminars OFEX offers a broad range of educational seminars including:
The highly regard New-to-Exporting seminar PROFIT as well as those developed for more experienced exporters including PROFIT International schedule for December 2013.

11 Trade Missions Incoming and Outgoing
OFEX hosts 20+ trade missions a year OFEX has had great success bringing international buyers to Ontario to meet with food manufacturers. Last May, Ontario in partnership with Quebec hosted over 800 one-on-one meetings during the SIAL Canada trade show in Toronto. Street Smart - U.S. & international buyers are brought to Toronto for the opportunity to meet with Ontario export clients with the goal of “match-making”. 90 Ontario companies participated in buyers from the US, Mexico, UK and Japan Millions in dollars of sales have resulted from these events.

12 Trade Shows Usually working in partnership with Agriculture and Agr-Food Canada or the Canadian Food Exporters Association, OFEX provides numerous opportunities for Ontario food exporters to participate in international trade shows in markets such as China, Hong Kong, and Japan.

13 Market Research/Resource Library
OFEX subscribes to several on-line market intelligence portals Utilising two Research Associates aka Co-op students, OFEX is able to provide broad range of client tailored market reports

14 Communications OFEX endeavours to provide timely information to our client base either through direct on-going communications, our quarterly industry update, The Exporter, or special reports. To ensure that you receive information about agri-food exports and opportunities, please visit the Ministry stand just outside the foyer.

15 OFEX’s Strategic Foundation
Client Oriented Approach Client Qualify Leads Bring People Together Client Oriented Approach: firm specific and transaction focused

16 OFEX – Program Measurement
$ 1 in program spending over $20 are generated in new export sales Biannual economic impact survey – client attributed export sales impact. (For every $1 in program spending over $20 are generated in new export sales) Strong customer service level (3.9/5) In 2012/13 we collected 38 success stories linked to joint company and OFEX efforts, valued over $8 million

17 Upcoming Agri-Food Events in Asia/Pacific
AEON-Japan buyers mission, September 2013 Wine buyers mission from Japan, September 2013 In-Store Promotion, NTUC, Singapore, November 2013 Hong Kong International Wine & Spirit Fair, November 2013 Food and Hotel China 2013 (FHC-2013 Shanghai), November 2013 Virtual Trade Mission, February 2014 Food Ex Japan, March 2014 

18 Contact us

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