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Why is this Rhino on Tinder?

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Presentation on theme: "Why is this Rhino on Tinder?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why is this Rhino on Tinder?
Bell work: Speculate… Photograph is hyperlinked to a video about Sudan the rhino. Why is this Rhino on Tinder?

2 Preparing for Success Lesson Aim To practice strategies to help you prepare for assessments and exams.

3 Strategy #1 Change Sometimes you might feel like words float out of your head as soon as you’ve read them. It can help to change words into something else. You can change written notes into: Pictures/diagrams Mind maps Acronyms Task: Read ‘Rhino Tinder’ on page 8 in your booklet. Change the text to a timeline.

4 Strategy #2 Question Sometimes you might feel like you know it, when really you don’t. Asking questions can help you check. Task: Ask a question about the text, write a detailed answer in a different colour. Now ask a second question and repeat the process until you have filled up all the lines available. This technique is known as elaboration. They should interrogate their understanding of the article.

5 Strategy #3 Compare Sometimes you might feel like you don’t fully understand an idea. Making comparisons can help. You can compare: Concepts – look for similarities and differences Your work to mark schemes or model answers Task: Compare the story to the mark scheme.

6 Review Which strategy – change, question or compare – did you prefer most? Practice one or more of them using a piece of work you will be tested on during assessment week. Use practice page 11 in your booklet.

7 Quiz You have changed and asked questions about and compared information today. Let’s see if its helped you to remember the key facts. How old is Sudan? What species is Sudan? How much money do the Ol Pejeta Conservancy hope to raise? What will the money be spent on? Why are animals like Sudan vulnerable to poaching?

8 Answers 43 Northern White Rhino $9 million IVF treatment
They are unaggressive and travel in herds

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