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Annual Performance Plan

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1 Annual Performance Plan
Strategic Plan Annual Performance Plan 2017/ /2020 Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Communications

2 Strategic and Annual Performance Plan 2017/18 – 2019/2020
Contents 1 MDDA Mandate 2 MDDA Vision, Mission & Values 3 Legislative Environment 4 Issues raised by Portfolio Committee on Communication 5 Situational Analysis 6 Framework to develop SP and APP 7 National Development Plan 8 Situational Analysis – Status Quo 9 Situational Analysis – Desired State 10 Alignment with DoC 11 MDDA Strategic 5 Year Priorities 12 Institutional Challenges 13 Annual Performance Plan 14 MDDA Strategy Map 15 Programme 2: Grant & Seed Funding 16 Programme 3: Partnerships, Public Awareness and Advocacy 17 Programme 4 – Capacity Building & Sector Development 18 Programme 5 – Innovation, Research & Development 19 Programme 1: Governance and Administration 20 Sources of Revenue 21 Revenue Analysis 22 Expenditure Analysis 23 MDDA requested support from PCC Strategic and Annual Performance Plan 2017/18 – 2019/2020

3 MDDA Mandate MDDA Act 2014 of 2002
Encourage ownership of, and access to, media by HDGs as well as by historically diminished indigenous language and cultural groups Encourage the development of human resources and training, and capacity building, within the media industry, especially amongst HDGs Encourage the channeling of resources to the community media sectors Raise public awareness with regard to media development & diversity issues Support initiatives which promote literacy and a culture of reading Encourage research regarding media development & diversity Liaise with other statutory bodies such as ICASA and USAASA Section 16 & 32 of the Constitution provides for freedom of expression and access to information MDDA Act 2014 of 2002 Strategic and Annual Performance Plan 2017/18 – 2019/2020

4 MDDA Vision, Mission & Values
An accessible, transformed and diversified media Leading media development, transformation and diversification in South Africa ֍ Integrity ֍ Accountability ֍ Inclusivity ֍ Ubuntu ֍ Professionalism Strategic and Annual Performance Plan 2017/18 – 2019/2020

5 Legislative Environment
Electronic Communication Act no. 35 of 2005 The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa Act, Act no. 13 of 2000 Promotion of Administrative Justice Act.No.3 of 2000 (PAJA) . Public Finance Management Act No.1 of 1999 (PFMA) White Paper on Broadcasting Policy (1998) Independent Broadcasting Authority Triple Inquiry Report (2000) Regulations of the Independent Communication Authority of South Africa (2010) Community Television Broadcasting Services Position Paper (2004) Strategic and Annual Performance Plan 2017/18 – 2019/2020

6 Issues raised by Portfolio Committee
.Media transformation Community Media Indaba 2017 Funding of community-owned media projects Geographical and class focus in funding approach Developmental funding model Social Integration project Language diversity Digital infrastructure Regulation ICASA Moratorium – proposed joint research on new form of regulation of community broadcasting sector Monitoring and Evaluation. Projects are assessed in terms of: Financial Stability Compliance and Governance Content Community Participation Advertising Revenue Strategic and Annual Performance Plan 2017/18 – 2019/2020

7 Issues raised by Portfolio Committee
Review of MDDA Act The Social Impact study is well advanced for completion by end of Q1 2017/2018. The MDDA has begun engaging the four mainstream print media houses in an effort to offer community media print an opportunity to operate with minimal interference and direct competition. The MDDA has Engaged with Media24 on spending of their funding. Met with the Competition Commission to address unfair competition. A judgement has been passed which will result in funds being directed to MDDA to fund small commercial and community print Content Diversity Strategy. The MDDA Has signed an MoU with SAASTA on Science and Technology reporting training. Is drawing up a strategy to intensify its support to Disability projects. Is initiating a partnership with GenderLinks around Women in Media and Violence against Women. Other initiatives include support of AIP Conference on Women in Community Publishing and partnership with Soul City on training on reporting on gender violence. Is exploring partnership with children-based content organisation. Strategic and Annual Performance Plan 2017/18 – 2019/2020

8 Issues raised by Portfolio Committee
Sustainability Strategy. The MDDA has Partnership with SEDA on business enterprise development for mentoring/coaching projects using its provincial offices. Engaged with SALGA on supporting community media through various means, eg advertising, use of municipal premises. Engaged with Sentech on transmission costs. Media Literacy The MDDA is piloting an outreach/public campaign in 2 provinces to raise awareness of MDDA and media literacy. Public engagement – support of Minister’s and Deputy Minister’s Imbizos Provincial breakdown during 2016/2017: Limpopo – 5; KZN – 1; Eastern Cape – 3; Northern Cape – 1; Mpumalanga – 3; Free State – 1; North West – 1; Western Cape – 1. Strategic and Annual Performance Plan 2017/18 – 2019/2020

9 Strategic and Annual Performance Plan 2017/18 – 2019/2020
Diversity Technology Sustainability Environmental Social Cohesion Science & Technology Competitiveness Socio- Economic Nation Building Community Media Transformation Online Indigenous Languages Gender Living with Disabilities Youth Online Job Creation Community News Situational Analysis Content Revenue Generation Digital Migration Skills Value Chain Enterprise Development Community radio Marketing community TV Active Citizens Community Media Governance Online Freedom of Expression Adspend Media Access Informed Citizens Participatory Democracy Strategic and Annual Performance Plan 2017/18 – 2019/2020

10 Framework to develop SP and APP
Socio-political and economic environment National Development Plan (NDP) and macro environment Department of Communications strategic objectives Community media sector & broader media environment SP and APP for 2017/18 to 2019/20 Strategic and Annual Performance Plan 2017/18 – 2019/2020

11 National Development Plan
The National Development Plan - Vision 2030 (NDP) informs the MDDA’s Medium Term Strategic Framework (MTSF) priorities. Outcome 6 relates to an efficient, competitive and responsive economic infrastructure network. This highlights the role of the MDDA in assisting community media to harness the power of a rapidly changing telecommunications environment. Outcome 12 relates to an efficient, effective and development orientated public service. This speaks to the character and nature of the MDDA as an institution and the values it should champion. Outcome 14 relates to nation building and social cohesion as it envisions a society where South Africans will be more conscious of what they have in common than their differences. It directs the MDDA’s approach when supporting and enabling content and production elements. Strategic and Annual Performance Plan 2017/18 – 2019/2020

12 Situational Analysis – Status Quo
Biased news Lack of access to information Unfair competition Predominance of English Regulation Inadequacy in news coverage Sustainability/ Revenue generation Governance Media Monopoly Analogue Geographic exclusion Government advertising spend Media Evolution Strategic and Annual Performance Plan 2017/18 – 2019/2020

13 Situational Analysis – Desired State
Media Literacy Language Diversity Well Informed Citizenry Content Diversity Media Transformation Geographic balance Digital Migration Innovative partnerships Advocacy and Lobbying Innovation and Research Capacity Building Strategic and Annual Performance Plan 2017/18 – 2019/2020

14 Strategic and Annual Performance Plan 2017/18 – 2019/2020
Alignment with DoC DoC Strategic Goal Goal 1 - Effective and efficient strategic leadership, governance and administration Goal 2 - A responsive communications policy regulatory environment and improved country branding Goal 3 - Transformed communications sector MDDA Strategic Outcome Orientated Goal Goal 1 - Capable and accomplished organisation in support of the delivery of the MDDA mandate by 2019 Goal 3 - Body of knowledge on the community-based media sector established through focused innovation, research and development efforts to support policy development Goal 2 - Media transformation promoted through the growth of community-based media in South Africa A L I G N M E T Strategic and Annual Performance Plan 2017/18 – 2019/2020

15 MDDA Strategic Five Year Priorities
Lead MDDA Act Review Processes: reconfiguration of the MDDA Act to support changes in the sector. Organisational Renewal: review the current MDDA organisation structure, capacity, policy frameworks and funds to promote enhanced organisational delivery. Build Knowledge-based Organisation: promote implementation of cutting-edge research responsive to sectoral dynamics. Expand Funding and Capacity for Community Media Development: review sustainability model to ensure media diversity and transformation. Position MDDA as a Leader in the Community Media Sector: contribute to increased Public and Media Sector Awareness in order to influence national policy. Strategic and Annual Performance Plan 2017/18 – 2019/2020

16 Institutional Challenges
Organizational Development/ Renewal Intervention by Board Focus on filling executive positions including CEO and CFO Mitigating Leadership and Internal Capacity Challenges Transform MDDA into knowledge-based organisation MDDA request to Parliament for vacant Board positions to be filled . Strategic and Annual Performance Plan 2017/18 – 2019/2020

17 Annual Performance Plan 2017/2018 – 2019/2020
Strategic and Annual Performance Plan 2017/18 – 2019/2020

18 Strategic and Annual Performance Plan 2017/18 – 2019/2020
MDDA Strategy Map Strategic and Annual Performance Plan 2017/18 – 2019/2020

19 Programme 2: Grant & Seed Funding
Promotes media development and diversity through financial and non-financial support for community broadcasting and community and small commercial print projects Strategic Objective 1 To facilitate ownership, control and access to information and content production of community broadcasting by historically disadvantaged communities Objective Statement Provide financial support for digital broadcast infrastructure (on-air and production studio equipment), transmission subsidy, audio streaming, programme production/content generation and operational costs. Baseline 28 community radio and 1 television station funded 11 community radio stations funded for broadcast studio equipment Strategic Objective 2 To facilitate ownership, control and access to content production of community and small commercial publications by historically disadvantaged communities Provide financial support for printing and distribution cost, on-line platforms, and operational costs to both community and small commercial print media projects. 23 Community and Small Commercial print projects funded Strategic Objective 3 To monitor and evaluate input, output and compliance to MDDA grant-in-aid contracts to measure the effectiveness and efficiency of MDDA support Objective Statement Provide project review, assessment and aftercare as well as risk management support to both community and small commercial print media projects 70 Monitoring and 30 evaluation reports Strategic and Annual Performance Plan 2017/18 – 2019/2020

20 Risks associated with Programme 2: Grant and Seed Funding
Risk Description Risk Consequence Mitigation Plan Poor governance, financial reporting, fraud and corruption Increasing cases of corruption and fraud Develop in-house capacity at project level and engage external support Strengthen community participation Effective M&E framework Board oversight of projects Insufficient funds for print and digital projects Limited media diversification and development rollout Pursue partnerships to expand funding pool Limited resources to sustain project support Develop resource mobilisation strategy for financial and non-financial support Strategic and Annual Performance Plan 2017/18 – 2019/2020

21 Strategic and Annual Performance Plan 2017/18 – 2019/2020
2017/2018 APP PROGRAMME 2: GRANT AND SEED FUNDING -   2.1: Community Broadcast Media Key Output Performance Indicator Performance Medium-term targets 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 Grant and Seed Funding Number of community radio stations approved by the Board for first-time funding 19 12 14 Number of community radio stations approved by the Board for strengthening 20 10 Number of community television stations approved by the Board for financial support 1 3 Job creation Number of direct jobs created in the community broadcast sector 198 100 150 200 Special Projects Social engagement strategy for communities using broadcast platform Strategic and Annual Performance Plan 2017/18 – 2019/2020

22 Strategic and Annual Performance Plan 2017/18 – 2019/2020
2017/2018 APP PROGRAMME 2: GRANT AND SEED FUNDING -   2.2: Print and Digital Media Key Output Performance Indicator Performance Medium-term targets 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 Grant and Seed Funding Number of Small Commercial Media projects approved by the Board for first time funding 5 4 Number of Small Commercial Media projects approved by the Board for strengthening Number of Community print projects approved by the Board for first time funding support 2 Number of Community print projects approved by the Board for strengthening Enabling environment for print and digital media print growth Number of projects approved for online presence 19 12 Strategic and Annual Performance Plan 2017/18 – 2019/2020

23 Strategic and Annual Performance Plan 2017/18 – 2019/2020
2017/2018 APP PROGRAMME 2: GRANT AND SEED FUNDING -   2.3: Monitoring and Evaluation Key Output Performance Indicator Performance Medium-term targets 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 Monitoring and evaluation of MDDA projects Number of monitoring reports produced 75 80 95 100 Number of evaluation reports produced 30 45 55 60 Implementation of Impact Study findings Impact Study commissioned 1 theme Strategic and Annual Performance Plan 2017/18 – 2019/2020

24 Programme 3: Partnerships, Public Awareness and Advocacy
Positions the MDDA as a leading influencer and authoritative voice in the community and small commercial media, by playing a key role in the national dialogue on the sector, through implementation of strategic partnerships Strategic Objective 1 To position the MDDA as an authoritative leader on community media and small commercial media by proactively advocating through stakeholder relationships Objective Statement Input into policy processes, revenue generation and potential partnerships Baseline Input to DoC media transformation initiative Three stakeholder engagement events Strategic Objective 2 To expand our footprint as the MDDA by creating a positive image in pursuance of the MDDA’s mandate to grow the community and small commercial media Build public image of the MDDA through greater public awareness campaigns Communications Plan Strategic and Annual Performance Plan 2017/18 – 2019/2020

25 Strategic and Annual Performance Plan 2017/18 – 2019/2020
2017/2018 APP PROGRAMME 3: PARTNERSHIPS, PUBLIC AWARENESS AND ADVOCACY -   3.1: Strategic programmes Key Output Performance Indicator Performance Medium-term targets 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 Enhanced Digital Migration Community Media digital migration strategy approved by Board in last quarter of each year 1 Number of digital literacy workshops conducted New indicator Stakeholder Engagement policy and strategy Stakeholder engagement policy and plan reviewed and implemented Strategic and Annual Performance Plan 2017/18 – 2019/2020

26 Strategic and Annual Performance Plan 2017/18 – 2019/2020
2017/2018 APP PROGRAMME 3: PARTNERSHIPS, PUBLIC AWARENESS AND ADVOCACY -   3.2: MDDA Brand Building Key Output Performance Indicator Performance Medium-term targets 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 Communications strategy and plan Review of communications plan and plan implemented 1 External publications Number of newsletters produced 2 4 Number of social integration project publications produced New indicator Annual Report produced Publicity campaign Number of outreach programmes 16 18 20 Number of publicity campaigns implemented Number of media awards hosted Strategic and Annual Performance Plan 2017/18 – 2019/2020

27 Programme 4: Capacity Building and Sector Development
Capacity building programmes which aim to provide community and small commercial media with necessary skills needed for effective performance in day to day work. Strategic Objective 1 Capacity building and media skills training Objective Statement Partnerships and collaborations for effective implementation of capacity building and skills training (which includes media literacy and governance) through provision of bursaries and training workshops Baseline (i) 3 capacity building interventions (ii) Placement of 17 interns across 7 provinces for science and technology reporting training (iii) Gender based violence reporting training for 102 community media Strategic and Annual Performance Plan 2017/18 – 2019/2020

Key Output// Performance Indicator Performance Medium-term targets 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 Management of Capacity Building Partnerships Number of partnership agreements with accredited learning and training Institutions 1 4 Number of MOUs signed with partners that enhance our projects’ environment. 2 Training Interventions and Workshops Number of training interventions such as learning forum, grantee orientation workshop, etc 3 6 Enhanced Media literacy Number of media literacy workshops conducted Number of media exchange programmes Strategic and Annual Performance Plan 2017/18 – 2019/2020

29 Programme 5: Innovation, Research and Development
Research and information specific to the sectors that inform programme development and strategic focus. Strategic Objective 1 To champion research, development and innovation to create a media development and diversity body of knowledge by 2019 Objective Statement Support and commission research and development projects focusing on relevant and emerging media issues to scientifically define status quo and inform future interventions Baseline I Impact Study on Community Media Sector 2 Research reports on variety of topics Strategic and Annual Performance Plan 2017/18 – 2019/2020

30 2017/2018 APP PROGRAMME 5: Innovation, Research and Development
Key Output Performance Indicator Performance Medium-term targets 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 Digital platform for stakeholder information sharing Content Hub updated quarterly 1 4 Research Projects Number of Research projects undertaken 2 Strategic and Annual Performance Plan 2017/18 – 2019/2020

31 Programme 1: Governance and Administration
Strategic Objective 1 To enhance organisational capacity building efforts through focused human resource interventions by 2019 Objective Statement Foster and embed values and strategic objectives of the Agency through organisational development, labour relations and transversal human resource management areas Strategic Objective 2 To ensure compliance with legislative requirements through a professionally managed corporate legal and regulatory affairs by 2019 A comprehensive corporate legal and regulatory advisory, litigation and contracts management service to enable the Agency to execute its mandate effectively Strategic Objective 3 To provide good governance and financial management to ensure compliance with applicable legislative requirements and sustainability of the Agency by 2019 Provide sound, prudent and efficient financial, supply chain management, risk management and internal audit services needed for an effective operation with fiscal health and sustainability Strategic Objective 4 To implement IT initiatives geared towards improvement of IT value and performance by 2019 Continuous upgrade of automation of business processes for the core and support functions of the entity Strategic and Annual Performance Plan 2017/18 – 2019/2020

32 Strategic and Annual Performance Plan 2017/18 – 2019/2020
Sources of Revenue Strategic and Annual Performance Plan 2017/18 – 2019/2020

33 Medium Term Expenditure Framework
Revenue Analysis Medium Term Expenditure Framework 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 Transfers & Grants Received 62,113,095 63,563,095 64,944,095 DoC - Government grants 30,005,000 31,455,000 32,836,000 Media Stakeholders Broadcast media 32,108,095 Print media Other Income 4,548,778 4,821,704 5,111,007 Interest Received Other income Total Revenue 66,661,872 68,384,799 70,055,101 Three main sources of income-: Department of Communications (DoC): Agency receives on average R31 m/yr Broadcast and Print funders: Agency’s external fundraising resulted in MDDA currently receiving average of R35 million from broadcast funders. Stakeholder engagement initiatives to revive print media funding stream. MDDA Fundraising: Over the medium term, Agency is developing a business case to secure additional external funding from the private sector and other funders. Strategic and Annual Performance Plan 2017/18 – 2019/2020

34 Strategic and Annual Performance Plan 2017/18 – 2019/2020
Expenditure Analysis Medium-term estimate  R thousand 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 Administration 22,762 23,760 24,740 Community media 40,149 40,693 41,211 Research - Monitoring & Evaluation 1,500 1,573 1,642 Strategy, Policy, Advocacy, Capacity building, M&E 2,250 2,329 2,463 Total expenditure 66,661 68,355 70,056 Over MTEF, spending focus on promoting media development and diversity through financial and nonfinancial support to community broadcasting and community and small commercial print projects. Grant funding will be allocated to ensuring sustainability, through strengthening of existing small commercial, community print and community broadcast projects. Seed funding for new small commercial, community print and community broadcast projects will be allocated from transfers from DoC and external funders. Spending on these activities expected to amount to R125 million over MTEF. Strategic and Annual Performance Plan 2017/18 – 2019/2020

35 MDDA requested support from Portfolio Committee
Stakeholder engagements MDDA Act review Lobbying for media transformation Increased community participation from constituencies – PCC members Fair competition regulation National Treasury funding lobbying for Department Print media regulation Government advertising spend Strategic and Annual Performance Plan 2017/18 – 2019/2020

36 Thank You


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