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Fig. 2 3D displacement fields around the Papatea fault with sample fault-perpendicular profiles. 3D displacement fields around the Papatea fault with sample.

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1 Fig. 2 3D displacement fields around the Papatea fault with sample fault-perpendicular profiles.
3D displacement fields around the Papatea fault with sample fault-perpendicular profiles. (Left) E-W, (middle) N-S, and (right) up-down surface displacement fields around the Papatea fault from (A) SAR measurements [~330 m × 450 m pixel resolution, from Hamling et al. (4)] and (B) D-lidar calculations (25 m) within the dashed line polygon. Positive displacement directions are east, north, and up. Coarser displacement pixels outside the polygon of double lidar coverage are SAR measurements (4). G.S. labels the location of the George Stream. Thick black lines are Papatea surface ruptures. (C to H) Example 100 m × 900 m fault-perpendicular profiles [black rectangles in (B)] through the x (left), y (middle), and z (right) lidar surface displacement fields. The vertical axis is displacement, and the horizontal axis is distance, both in units of meters. Each black dot is a single-cell displacement, vertical dashed red lines show the fault scarp, and horizontal red lines show extrapolated linear fits of chosen data points with 50% confidence bounds (dashed). A. Diederichs et al. Sci Adv 2019;5:eaax5703 Copyright © 2019 The Authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 (CC BY).

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