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Welcome to Mrs. Landa’s First Grade Class!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Mrs. Landa’s First Grade Class!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Mrs. Landa’s First Grade Class!

2 Welcome Welcome to Somerset Academy’s Open House! I am delighted to be your child’s first grade teacher! Together we are going to have a fabulous school year!

3 Our First Grade Schedule
8:15-8:30- Bell Work 8:30-9:00 Science/Social Studies 9:00-10:30Reading/Language Arts 10:30-11:00 Recess 11:05-11:30 SSR/Snack/H.W. 11:35-12:05 Lunch 12:05-1:05 Math 1:10-1:45 Specials *ART(Mon. 1:50-2:25) STEM (Tues.) P.E. (Wed.) Spanish (Thurs.) Music (Fri.) 1:45-2:15 Writing 2:15-2:30 Dismissal

4 Specials Monday- Art (1:50-2:25) Tuesday-STEM (1:10-1:45)
Wednesday- P.E. Thursday- Spanish Friday-Music

5 Curriculum The 1st grade curriculum consists of Reading, Language Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies. Our curriculum follows the National Standards providing your child with a well-rounded and complete education. Fridays- Reading and Language Arts assessments will be administered.

6 Science & Social Studies
 Focusing on Science and Social Studies using Scholastic News Expressive and Receptive language i.e.- singing songs, asking and responding to questions about daily life, following directions and classroom instruction. Working on sight words weekly.

7 Communication is Key! Communication is an important part of the success of your child. We will post weekly updates each and every Friday on our class page. The best way to communicate with me is through . Please feel free to contact me about any questions that may arise. My address:

8 Somerset Webpage All important information regarding our class is always on the Somerset Academy webpage. Please check this site every Friday after 2:00 p.m. for updated information in regards to our weekly curriculum and assignments. Once on our website (Somerset Academy), click on the staff directory tab and you may access our Week at a Glance under my name Judith Landa.

9 Planner Students are required to purchase a planner. Please make sure your child takes their planner home everyday and brings it back to school on a daily basis. This is also a great way to communicate with me, as well as, notify you about your child’s behavior on a daily basis. Please make sure to sign your child’s agenda every night. Please make sure to have your child copy their spelling and vocabulary words in their planner on Sunday nights.

10 Grading 100% – 90% A 89% - 80% B 79% - 70% C 69% - 60% D
59% and below F

11 Follow Homework Guidelines
Assigned Monday Due Friday Follow Homework Guidelines Bring homework daily

12 Behavior System Color Traffic light (Green, Yellow, Red) if your child receives a red you will receive notification about the incident. Individual, group, and class Please check their behavior color in their planner daily.

13 Rewards Verbal praise and recognition Friday treasure box.
Fun Friday Activities Student of the Week Student of the Month

14 Supplies Blue Folder: Homework Green Folder: Daily Classwork
Red Folder: Fluency Purple: Music Yellow: Spanish Friday Folder: Office Sent Planner: Spelling & Vocab Words / Behavior Pencil Pouches: One for home & one for school.

15 Snacks We will be having healthy snack every day. Please send a healthy and ready to eat snack for your child. Some healthy snack ideas are: sliced fruit, raisins, granola bars, yogurt, and cut veggies. NO PEANUTS PLEASE

16 Volunteer Hours 30 Hours are Required per family
Classroom Donations (refer to wish list) Original Receipt sent with form in blue folder Keep Track of your own hours The volunteer form is found on Field Trip Chaperones Must be pre-approved and registered as volunteers (parent portal)

17 Pinnacle Parent Login Directions
Username: Password: PMM/DD/YYYY (Date of Birth) Example: User: Password: P07/25/2001 (Date of Birth)

18 Final Note I am truly excited to be teaching your child! I believe that all children can learn and that it is a collaborative effort between the parents, teacher and student. Together we are committed to the success of your child. We know we will have a successful school year!

19 Morning Care Options *Breakfast is available for purchase starting at 7:50am 1. Regular Morning Care a. 7:15am-8:15am b. $100 per month paid online c. Deposit and registration required online 2. Sibling Care a. 7:30am-8:15am b. $100 per year paid online in full c. PreK-1st grade students with a M/H sibling are eligible d. Registration required online 3. Shuttle Care a. Elementary students using the shuttle service will be supervised in the cafeteria b. No fee but registration required 4. General Morning Queue/Carpool b. Students are to be dropped no earlier than 8:15am unless enrolled in morning care or having breakfast (7:50am)

20 Physical Education uniform (K-5th)

21 Uniform Policy Uniforms are mandatory.
All students are required to wear: uniform polo shirts with the Somerset Academy logo in colors which include navy blue, light blue, white and striped blue/white. khaki or dark blue pants with the Somerset Academy embroidery labeled by the pocket. ONLY solid navy or a Somerset Academy apparel jackets. Physical Education uniform (K-5th) Fridays are SPIRIT and JEANS DAYS! Students are to wear their grade level spirit shirt and JEANS (not distressed). DRESS DOWN DAYS are the last Friday of every month for $2! Keep in mind students still must adhere to the dress code:   Students may not come to school in any of the following: Leggings Open toed shoes of any sort Backless shoes and or “crocs” Distressed jeans (jeans day) Shorts of any length less than fingertip level Tank tops/spaghetti straps/sleeveless tops

22 New Spirit Store!!! Somerset now has an online Spirit Store with brand new Panther Gear for our students! Please stop by the cafeteria today to log into the store, try on some items and simply learn more!

23 Lunch Monthly menus are available on our website, Online lunch payments are available online! LUNCH APPLICATIONS: Your child may be eligible for free or reduced priced breakfast or lunch. Applications are available in your beginning of the year packets. Please fill out the application in its entirety and return it to your child’s teacher. You will then receive a notice if you qualified for the program. You are responsible for paying full price for meals until you receive notification stating otherwise. Please reach out to Francia Gonzalez if you have any questions. NEW PRICES: $2.50 Breakfast and $3.50 Lunch

24 Drop-off/Pick-up Traffic Pattern
Pines Blvd Please remember: ~The gas station is not an authorized loading/unloading zone as it is private property. ~As ‘good neighbors’ we want to respect their business and customers. 196th

25 Important Reminders Students are to arrive on campus no earlier that 8:15am unless enrolled in morning care, sibling care, shuttle service or having breakfast. Please pack a poncho for those rainy days. Always have your hanging car tag clearly displayed to help with arrival and dismissal. Early sign-outs must be before 1:30pm. “HANDS FREE SCHOOL ZONE!” Safety is our #1 priority. Vehicle cell phone use is not permitted within the school and can result in a ticket. We are a PEANUT/NUT Free Campus.

26 Shuttle North to South South to North Grades K-3rd
Students must arrive to North Campus no later than 7:30am in front Building A Shuttle departs at 7:35am promptly. Late arrivals must be taken to campus by their parents. Sign-up online at South to North Grades 4th – 5th Students must arrive to South Campus no later than 7:40am Shuttle departs at 7:45am promptly. Late arrivals must be taken to campus by their parents.

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