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Headteacher’s report July 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Headteacher’s report July 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Headteacher’s report July 2016

2 Headline data Early Years

3 Phonics

4 Year 2




8 Combined results




12 Attendance analysis The following pages give some breakdown and analysis of absence data for year groups, cohorts, averages, vulnerable groups and individuals These cover data for the current year and some comparisons with previous years

13 % to 1st July with codes % to end May

14 As numbers To July To May

15 Attendance broken into year groups








23 Analysis Some aspects of the data are still high, however when analysed in detail there are some positive trends Each grouping shows an increase year on year and the gap this year between average and vulnerable group is closer The majority of individuals in danger zones have shown an improvement in attendance from previous years

24 We have also analysed the requests for absences
A total of 43 families have requested term time absence Of these 26 requests were fro 3 days or less 7 were for 4 or 5 days 15 were for periods between 6 and up to 15 days

25 Complaints There have been 4 incidents which would fall under the category of complaints. One incident in October 2015 was a complaint against a teacher and what they had been overheard to say by a parent. The parent making the complaint had been given this information second hand. On investigation the conversation had been misunderstood, the parent accepted this and was satisfied that nothing needed to be taken further. A second complaint in April was made in respect of a teacher and how a parent felt they were handling a situation with their child. A meeting was held between the parents and Headteacher, the concerns were discussed and the parents were happy that the situation was being adequately dealt with. The teacher had previously also spoken to HT about the way they had been spoken to by the parent.

26 A third complaint in June was in respect of a remark made by a member of support staff to a parent about their child which the parents felt was discriminatory. On investigation it was felt that the member of staff had said something inappropriate but not intentionally. The member of staff has written a letter of apology, the Headteacher has also written to the parents detailing the actions that will take place following the complaint. These involve reviewing and re-issuing the equalities policy and guidance and conducting whole school staff training in September. A fourth complaint in June was taken via the telephone, there had been a miscommunication and the parents were upset that they had missed an appointment thinking they were to have this confirmed. They were happy with the verbal explanation and apology for the miscommunication and have not wanted to take this further.

27 A small number of parents have raised concerns over small incidents such as behaviour concerns, concerns around their children's progress etc. These have all been dealt with either by class teachers, Headteacher, SENCO, ELSAs or HSLW and in each case parents have been happy with the outcomes so complaints have not been made.

28 priorities New assessment- continuing to embed systems, planning and task design Challenge in learning and children taking responsibility for their own learning and next steps in learning Growth Mindsets-whole school training and research projects Outdoor curriculum-continuing to develop across the whole school Subject leadership- curriculum coverage, standards and assessment

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