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Downtown Doral Charter Elementary School

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1 Downtown Doral Charter Elementary School
Welcome to Meet & Greet Downtown Doral Charter Elementary School First Grade

2 Arrival Procedures School begins: 8:30 AM
Early supervision is only available beginning at 7:45 AM, unless the student is enrolled in the Before School Care Program beginning at 7:00 a.m. Teacher will pick up students from the cafeteria at 8:15 am. Parents can enjoy breakfast in our dining room until 8:00 am At 8:00am, parents must depart the building.

3 Wednesday dismissal: 2:00 pm
Dismissal Procedures Dismissal time: 3:00 pm Wednesday dismissal: 2:00 pm First 2 days of school: ALL students must be picked up from their classroom doors. Effective Wednesday, August 21st, Dismissal will be done through either Drive Thru, Parent Pick Up, or After School Care. If transportation has changed, please notify the student’s teacher and the main office in writing 24 hours in advance. No Cell Phone use in car line Students will not be placed in a car without a hanging decal For safety concerns, if this procedure is not followed, your child will follow the original dismissal plans. If you wish to pick up your child before 2:30, you must go to the main office

4 No Cell Phone use in car line
Dismissal Procedures Dismissal time: 3:00 PM *Wednesday Dismissal: 2:00 PM On Wednesday, August 21, 2019, arrival procedures indicated below will become effective: Drive Thru Drop Off Option Pedestrian Option (park and walk child to school through main entrance only). 3. Aftercare/ Enrichment students will be picked up from the classroom by aftercare leaders and will be taken to their designated locations. No Cell Phone use in car line

5 Parent ID Badges Badges from last year are still valid until October 11th. A special sticker will be given to parents once they are cleared as a volunteer Volunteer Clearance - parents must first complete the process on the Dade Schools portal. Once they receive the stating they are cleared, they must come to the office and speak to Gaby in order to complete the clearance process. Dade Schools portal for volunteer clearance begins August 16th October 11th - parents without the badge or sticker will need to check into the office for a visitor’s sticker. NO EXCEPTIONS.

6 Home Learning Students must read for 30 minutes daily. Home learning packet will be posted online every Friday evening. Please visit to print and staple a copy of the HW packet. Homework is due the following Monday. Student will have Language Arts, Math, and Foreign Language homework daily. All students must complete 45 minutes of each subject (math and reading) weekly on I-Ready. This is mandatory.

7 3 Detentions = Privilege to attend a school event will be revoked
School Policies Attendance is very important. Please have your child in school on time every day before 8:30 AM. After 8:30AM they will be marked tardy. If your child was absent you must send a note to the teacher and the office. Anything that comes from home to the school must come in an envelope labeled. Teachers will not collect or accept anything unless it is properly labeled and in an envelope. NEW ATTENDANCE POLICY 3 Tardies = 1 Detention 3 Detentions = Privilege to attend a school event will be revoked

8 Birthday Parties Birthday Parties: only allowed during recess or snack time, and must be coordinated at least a week in advance with your homeroom teacher. Only a cupcake/juice or cookie/juice is allowed Balloons and siblings are not allowed You may bring goodie bags Note: Every family member that wishes to come to the party or to any other school event MUST be cleared.

9 Supply List and Summer Reading
Supply list and wish list can be printed from the school website Under Parents > Supply Lists & Summer Reading Wish List Magic erasers Sheet protectors SCOTCH Thermal Laminating Pouches 8.5”x 11 Treasure box treats EXPO spray for board

10 Uniform Policy Students should be in complete uniform daily. Both tops and bottoms must be embroidered with the DDCES logo. Parents are to ensure that their child is wearing the mandatory school uniform. If wearing loops on bottoms, students are required a belt. Fridays are School Spirit Day. Students may wear jeans and the school spirit tee for $1.00. (Students can also wear regular uniform for no charge) PTO T-shirts will be the mandatory for field trips. It is sold exclusively at Skyros in Downtown Doral. Random uniform checks will be conducted periodically DDCES uniforms are sold exclusively at: Ibiley Uniforms 10564 SW 8th St.  Miami, Florida, 33174

11 Safety Doral police helps us with our Lockdown drills.
Our staff has been trained by Doral police – Active Shooter Training. Lockdown, Tornado and Fire drills are conducted periodically. All points of entrance are permanently locked and monitored.  Front entrance is always locked with a double door lock entry system. Concierge Pad background check system for all visitors and volunteers. Security cameras.         All classrooms remain locked at all times. Motion detectors.          City of Doral Police officer present during arrival and dismissal times. Working on having a City of Doral Police officer on-site for an 8 hour day.

12 PTO, PIPA, & SIPA Get involved in the parent organizations and associations! PTO- Parent, Teacher Organization SIPA- Spanish International Parent Organization PIPA- Portuguese International Parent Organization Representatives will be in the cafeteria after our presentation The more members the better as the class may win a party!

13 Volunteers Volunteers must have clearance and must attend an orientation on 8/30/19 at 9:00 AM in order to complete the mandatory 20 volunteer hours per family. Volunteer clearance must be renewed each school year! Log in to to complete the registration. Room Parent selection first meeting will take place on September 3rd, 2019

14 Breakfast/ Lunch Breakfast is served daily at no charge.
Lunch: Please visit to create an account or check your balance. Snack time- All students should bring a healthy daily snack (not a meal) in a small, labeled bag. Recommendation: Bring a bagged lunch the first week of school.

Allergies We encourage you to inform us about your child’s allergies. If there isn't any, write NONE in the chart. PLEASE FILL UP THE ALLERGY FORM BEFORE YOU LEAVE.

16 DDCES Website, APP and Communication
Please visit for up-to-date news and announcements. Go Green Communicator will be up every Thursday. Download our school app! - In your Play or App store, search and download for Educational Networks (EN) - Once the EN app appears, search for Downtown Doral Charter Elementary School Download the ClassDojo App and join our class! More information will be sent later on.

17 Thank you for coming and see you soon!

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