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Mrs. Lewis’s Classroom Policies and Procedures

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Lewis’s Classroom Policies and Procedures"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Lewis’s Classroom Policies and Procedures

2 Mrs. Lewis’s Info Room #2630 Personal Finance, Principles of Family & Human Services, and Foods 1

3 Mrs. Lewis’s Tutorial Schedule
Tuesday- “A” Lunch Tutorials & Lunch Detention Thursday- “B” Lunch: Tutorials & Lunch Detention

4 What Materials Do I need for this Class?
lined paper A pair of ear buds/headphones pens/pencils/erasers/highlighters

5 Where do I turn in/pick up assignments?
INBOX- turn in all assignments OUTBOX- collect all graded assignments Save ALL papers (P.S. is unreliable)

6 “I’m Finished! What Do I Do Now?”
-work on EverFi -read a book -assist Mrs. Lewis if she needs help with anything -do homework /study for a test/quiz -hand out OUTBOX papers -complete missing/make-up assignments *DOING NOTHING IS NOT AN OPTION

7 N.O.I.S.E. Three chances to keep the noise level in check when working in partners/groups Individuals can cause the loss of a letter When, “NO” is left on the board, everyone must return to their own individual seats and it will remain silent until everyone completes the assignment.

8 If you choose to skip a lunch detention:
Tardy Policy 1st Tardy: Verbal warning 2nd Tardy: Lunch detention (A/B) 3rd Tardy: Full lunch detention (A and B) 4th Tardy and beyond: Referral If you choose to skip a lunch detention: automatic referral

9 Cell Phones Phones should not be out in class when taking notes, switching activities, checking the time, texting parents, ect. unless otherwise instructed to. The class can earn daily phone privileges by following instructions, but can also loose the privilege as well. If you have your phone out when you are not supposed to, you will be asked to put it on Ms. Lewis’s desk until the end of class. 1st offense = phone on Ms. L’s desk until the end of the class (you do NOT remove it beforehand without permission) 2nd offense = lunch detention (A or B, depending on the day) 3rd offense = either full (A and B) lunch detention or referral-you choose 4th offense = your parents must come pick it up from the front office at the end of the day Refusal to turn your phone over to Ms. Lewis = instant referral

10 Borrowing Headphones If you would like to borrow a pair of classroom headphones, you will need to locate your name card in the headphone rack on the wall and place your name card in the corresponding number written on the headphones bag. You are responsible for putting your name in the appropriate number slot and then removing it again once you have returns the headphones correctly to the bin inside the bag. You are responsible if you damage a pair of headphones while in your care.

11 Absenteeism and Late Work Policy
Absent 1 day = 1 day to make up assignments Absent 2 days = 2 days to make up assignments Absent 3 days = 3 days to make up assignments ETC… REMEMBER: It is YOUR responsibility to collect any missing notes/assignment from the Hot Pink, “Absent/Missing Work” folder when you return to class.

12 Criteria For Re-testing Tests/Quizzes
You have a MAXIMIM of TWO weeks from the date you were handed back the original scored test/quiz to complete the re-test test In order to be able to re-test a test/quiz, you must not have ANY outstanding assignments You may only re-test during tutorials and you need to let Mrs. L know in advance (a few days) which test/quiz you would like to re-take.

13 Class Grading Scale Classwork (projects/assignments/ Bell Work/EverFi) = 50% Objective and Benchmark Tests = 30% Quizzes = 15% Homework = 5%

14 Tutorials/Lunch Detention
Tutorials are optional unless otherwise assigned Bring your lunch to tutorials/Lunch Detention (PLAN AHEAD) Detention = You must be on time or else you will have to stay longer No friends allowed to come and “hang out” with you during detention or when taking a test in tutorials *Conflicting tutorials? YOU need to ask the other teacher to send me an verifying your attendance by the end of THAT SAME DAY!

15 May I Eat in Mrs. Lewis’s Classroom?
NO FOOD/CANDY allowed in the classroom! Drinks MUST have a lid on them You may eat lunch in here during tutorials ONLY Do NOT stick gum under desks/chairs!

16 Your 4 “End of the Class” Responsibilities.
1.) Line up the desk with the tape mark and push in your chair. 2.) Put away all books, papers, supplies… 3.) Make sure there are no pencil or other kinds of marks/drawings on your desktop. 4.) Pick up any trash surrounding desk even if it is not your trash. 5.) Stay in seats and please do NOT line up by the door before the bell rings. “STAY IN THE “PINK!”

17 Restrooms If you need to use the restroom BEFORE class begins, please come to class, drop off your stuff, and ask Mrs. Lewis if you may go (5 min max). You will be marked tardy if you do not get permission first and then the bell rings. If you ask EVERY day to go to the bathroom right before the bell rings, you will only be allowed to go a few times per week to avoid missing introductory instructions. No one will be allowed to use the restrooms/get water/get tissues 10 minutes after class begins or 10 minutes before the class ends. If you are gone longer than five minutes, you will be considered skipping class (HSHS policy). You may only use the bathroom/get water/get tissues if you have your own individual bathroom pass. If you loose, damage, or forget your pass, you will not be allowed to go. If you use someone else’s pass, BOTH people loose their pass for the quarter.

18 Questions?

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