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Taming the wild beast working with feral kittens

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1 Taming the wild beast working with feral kittens
3100 Cherry Hill Road | Ann Arbor, MI | 48105 (734) |

2 Feral, under socialized, fearful, Semi feral… are these the same?

3 Feral, as defined by Webster’s dictionary:
Existing in a natural state, not domesticated or cultivated, wild Having reverted to the wild state, as from domestication Characteristic of a wild animal; brutal; ferocious Characteristic of a wild animal; brutal; ferocious 3

4 Under-socialized, as defined by Webster’s dictionary
Insufficiently assimilated into society, antisocial

5 One last definition… Fearful
Inclined to feel anxiety or apprehension Timid, nervous

6 Semi Feral… a flawed concept?
Refers to an animal that is feral but comes in contact with humans on occasion May have been domesticated and became feral May be feral and rely on humans to some degree for care Had social parentage at some point Will give birth to feral offspring

7 Do these definitions matter?
NOPE!! We’ll approach every kitten the same way and respond solely to their behavior and cues!!

8 Up to eight weeks Quite variable Generationally feral Life experience
Too Old? Up to eight weeks Quite variable Generationally feral Life experience

9 Behaviors to look for: Hissing Spitting Growling Whole body tension
Shaking Staring, pupils wide Ears flat Piloerection Immobile Feign sleep

10 Behaviors to look for: Defensive: Swatting Biting FLEE Fight or flight
Very few coping mechanisms

11 Where to start? Good old science: Counter conditioning Desensitization
Food motivators at sub-threshold distance Toys at sub-threshold distance Looking forward, instead of moving back into fear state

12 Flooding Expose to trigger regardless of response
Learn there is no danger Behavior will change naturally No longer widely used… except…. A tiny bit of this is needed for kittens!!

13 Where to start Tools: Food motivators Toys, of all varieties
Towel or small blanket A good book Radio/ TV Eventually, other people! Allow them to hide

14 Starting Out Talk only Radio/ TV Reading aloud Practice your karaoke
Just sitting with them Somewhere to hide Resources close by Establish routine Don’t push for interaction

15 Working With Food Once routine is established and kitten is eating well: Become their source of the good stuff High value, not just wet food Offer on spoon or tongue depressor Tempt into your space No touch! Step back if too fearful

16 Working With Toys Concurrent with wet food work, or on it’s own
At an arm’s reach Wand toys/ feathers Things that roll No touch! Step back if too fearful

17 Handling This is where flooding comes in:
Consistently comes close enough to touch Offer hand Touch head/ cheeks Resume play/ feeding Repeat Cat pet with a soft toy or towel

18 Picking up More flooding… All other steps need to be met first
Draw kitten in with food/toy Slowly wrap in towel Offer wet food/ toy while in towel Release if struggles Repeat

19 Outside Stimulus Friendly novel people Letting them explore Helper cats/ dogs Kids

20 Foster VS Shelter Shelter: Immersion Multiple handlers
Can be really scary for them Illness Foster: Less stress!! More consistency Return is hard

21 Feral Adults Remember our definitions Stray does not equal feral
Resources needed TNR RTF Barn adoption

22 Questions?

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