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Rear Admiral Will Rodriguez, United States Navy, Retired

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Presentation on theme: "Rear Admiral Will Rodriguez, United States Navy, Retired"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rear Admiral Will Rodriguez, United States Navy, Retired
Tidewater AFCEA Chapter Meeting, 15 May 2019 Rear Admiral Will Rodriguez, United States Navy, Retired 1

2 The Best Military in the World…

3 …Needs the Best Troops to Keep it Running

4 Personal & Professional Development
Skills Training & Confidence Building

5 Helping to Create a Middle Class

6 Keep this in mind: Three-Legged Stool Analogy
Student Community & Churches Parents Teachers 6

7 71% of Young People Cannot Join the Military

8 Education 8

9 North Carolina Statistics (17-24 Year Olds) (as of 2017)
Estimated # of NC Youth (2017): 1,044,104 National: 33,217,295 Estimated # of Eligible NC Youth (2017): 292,951 National: 9,517,335 NC Percent Eligible (2017): 28% National: 29% NC Percent Ineligible (2017): 72% National: 71% NC Percent Ineligible (2014): 72% {Unsatisfactory! {Unsatisfactory! {Unsatisfactory!

10 Fitness and Obesity 10

11 Moral (AKA Criminal History)
young people cannot join the military due to prior convictions for felonies or serious misdemeanors. 11

12 Key Primary Disqualifiers
Poor, or Lack of, Quality Education Fitness / Obesity Morals / Crime 12

13 Remember this?: Three-Legged Stool Analogy
Student Community & Churches Parents Teachers

14 Parent Engagement

15 Caution: Quality Pre-K Improves Academics

16 Improved Academics Reduced Obesity Lower Crime
High-Quality Early Education Can Help Reverse the Three Primary Disqualifiers Early education is linked to: Improved Academics Reduced Obesity Lower Crime

17 BUT it IS about the funding!”
“It is NOT about the funding, BUT it IS about the funding!”

18 Are we truly educating our Children?
Cautionary Example of Funding vs Public Education: CA Funding Per Student vs. Academic Achievement ROI? $$$ vs. Scores? ? Historical Per-Pupil Expenditures on K-12 Public Education in CA $10,000 $8000 $6000 $4000 $2000 Average 4th & 8th Grades NAEP Math & Reading Scores for Hispanic Pupils in CA 270 250 230 210 190 B E L O W A S I C ? . $8667 +33.1% increase! . 242.75 . $6513 . 222.75 +9% {Still “Below Basic”!} Beginning of Academic Year in CA ‘ ’ ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ ’ ‘ ’ ’ ’ ‘16 {* Data is based on numerous sources: Heritage Foundation, California Dept of Education, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP); NAEP assessment results are reported as average scores on a scale (reading, mathematics, U.S. history, and geography) or on a scale (science, writing, and civics).} Are we truly educating our Children? 12/4/2019 18

19 Healthy School Meals

20 Physical Education in Schools

21 Report: Unhealthy and Unprepared

22 If you have 5 minutes, they will use it well.
Join ReadyNation No costs, meetings, obligations or assumed support for a particular policy or program Only consider individual invitations to speak to the press, policymakers, other key audiences – through calls, s, meetings, sign-on letters, op-eds Support you by writing media pieces, talking points, testimony, s, etc.; arranging meeting; providing background; accompanying you to meetings, etc. If you have 5 minutes, they will use it well. Strengthening business through effective investments in children and youth. Learn more about ReadyNation at: Or contact: Nancy Fishman Co-Global Director, ReadyNation


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