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AKU, Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations June 13, 2019

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1 AKU, Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations June 13, 2019
Inheritance Law Reform in Tunisia prof. Roberta Aluffi – Università di Torino AKU, Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations June 13, 2019

2 Sharers / Residuaries (agnates)
daughters and sons (agnates/residuaries) the male receives the same portion as the female may be derogated siblings (agnates/residuaries) spouses (sharers) they are entitled to the same share mandatory parents (the mother becomes a residuary) The mother receives the same portion as the father daughter/s and father (he becomes a sharer) The solution favours the daughter/s

3 Reforming the reforms

4 Reforming the reforms

5 WIFE The wife’s share is made equal to the husband’s share (mandatory)
Dwelling rights on the marital home Duration of the marriage, presence of children

6 Discriminations still remain

7 Equality of children and Gender Equality

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