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Finish the diary entry or Battle report on the Battle of the Somme.

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Presentation on theme: "Finish the diary entry or Battle report on the Battle of the Somme."— Presentation transcript:

1 Finish the diary entry or Battle report on the Battle of the Somme.
Task 1 Finish the diary entry or Battle report on the Battle of the Somme.

2 Was Field Marshall Haig ‘the butcher of the Somme?
Task 2 Was Field Marshall Haig ‘the butcher of the Somme?

3 Your task… You must look through the evidence. Consider how it supports or undermines Haig as ‘the butcher of the Somme’. Complete the evidence table Essay question: Does Haig deserve to be called the ‘butcher of the Somme’? Questions to consider: What does the evidence tell you about Haig as a military leader? Who else might be to blame for the problems at the Battle of the Somme? What could Haig have done differently?

4 Extension Task How should Haig be remembered?

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