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Internet of Things: Risks and Tips to Manage Team

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1 Internet of Things: Risks and Tips to Manage Team
September 2019 Kurt B. Gerstner

2 Product Liability Privacy/Security Issues Regulatory Issues Intellectual Property

3 Product Liability Theories for IoT
Negligence, Strict Liability, Failure to Warn Product didn’t function properly Manufacturing or production defect Product design defective Failure to warn of product limitations Didn’t inform purchaser of hidden dangers Misrepresentation Commercial class actions Product susceptible to being hacked Product Liability Cases Also Spreading Globally

4 Many Liability Issues What caused the failure? Who is responsible?
Hardware, software, both? Allocation of fault issues Does user bear any responsibility? Didn’t inform purchaser of hidden danger How do you evaluate programmed “choices” on who should be harmed?

5 Privacy/Security Internet-connected devices are themselves computers that can access and harvest vast private data Autonomous cars – where you went, who was with you, speed Refrigerator – food you buy, where you shop, how much you drink T.V. – what you watch, shopping, financial information Who owns the data? Internet-connected devices can be hacked Dick Cheney removed pace maker Thieves access financial information from smart appliances/car Hackers take control of escalator Hackers take control of industrial equipment

6 Regulatory Issues What role should government regulation play?
Technology moving faster than governments Pushing government to make decisions to catch up Federal role and local regulations Possibly disjointed rules from different agencies - FTC, NHTSA (cars), FDA (med devices), COPPA (toys) Local government fills gap if no federal rules Industry self-regulation Standards Setting

7 Intellectual Property
Ownership Issues Combined technology Agreements to sort out ownership and rights Protection of Intellectual Property Estimated value of IoT intellectual property = $1.7 trillion by 2020 - Great incentives to steal technology Need to properly protect it with registered patents, copyrights for software, protect trade secrets Possible patent eligibility issues with some inventions

8 Managing the Risks Prevention (Technical Approaches) Legal Approaches
Insure against risks that can’t otherwise be prevented or managed

9 Legal Management - General
Develop good technical practices to identify and prevent risks Have good facts to show company acted reasonably Develop proper warnings about risks that cannot be prevented Provide clear and detailed instructions for products Processes in place to detect problems and correct them Respond to complaints/incidents in timely and appropriate fashion – learn from them Rein in marketing claims

10 Legal Management - Privacy
Develop a sound privacy policy and comply with it Explain the privacy policy to consumer clearly and in detail What data collected and how it will be used Make policy available to consumers to read before buy the product Give consumers access to data Obtain consent of customers to use their data and to share their data

11 Legal Management - Industry Initiatives
Industry cooperation to protect manufacturer interests Develop industry self-regulations and standards to stave off government regulation Provide comments and input to government regulators to help educate and guide rulemaking Consider voluntary sharing of information, including on incidents and lessons learned with industry peers

12 Legal Management - Contract Protection
Consider contractual requirements and obligations to ensure others in the component supply chain are not your “weak link” Anticipate legal issues and decide how they will be resolved in advance Indemnity and other risk allocation provisions Dispute resolution provisions

13 Legal Management - IP Decide on form(s) of IP protection needed
Determine how to address shared technology with business partners Transactional agreements address ownership and future improvements to technology by either company Consider freedom to use the IP outside of the joint collaboration Decide who should obtain the IP protection and defend it if attacked Begin process of obtaining necessary registrations Defend the IP when infringement and other attacks made

14 Thank You Kurt B. Gerstner Lee International IP & Law Group
Member of the Massachusetts, New York, District of Columbia, New Mexico Bars T , Mobile 78, Mobile Lee International IP & Law Group Poongsan Bldg., 23 Chungjeongro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul , Korea Tel Fax

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