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Published byChristina Evans Modified over 5 years ago
BRIFF 7 MUNUD Gwaith ailsefydlu ieuenctid – canfyddidau’r Archwiliad Thematig ar y Cyd Youth resettlement work-findings from the Joint Thematic Inspection 7 MINUTE BRIEFING
1. Cyflwyniad 1. Introduction
Yn yr Archwiliad Thematig ar y Cyd hwn gan Arolygiaeth Prawf Ei Mawrhydi ac Arolygiaeth Carchardai Ei Mawrhydi, roedd y ffocws ar archwilio’r gwaith gweithredol gan staff sefydliadau troseddwyr ifanc ac asiantaethau allanol i helpu plant sy’n cael eu rhyddhau o’r ddalfa i ailsefydlu yn ôl yn eu cymunedau. Roedd yr archwiliad hwn yn edrych ar brofiad 50 o’r plant hyn a ryddhawyd rhwng Hydref 2018 ac Ebrill 2019 o’r pump sefydliad troseddwyr ifanc. In this Joint Thematic Inspection by HM Inspectorate of Probation and HM Inspectorate of Prisons inspection, the focus was to examine the operational work by staff in young offender institutions (YOIs) and external agencies to help children being released from custody to resettle back into their communities. This inspection looked at the experience of 50 of these children who were released between October 2018 and April 2019 from all five YOIs.
2. Canfyddiadau 2. Findings
Roedd yr archwiliad hwn yn nodi, gyda rhai eithriadau amlwg, nad oedd plant yn cael eu paratoi i ddychwelyd i’w cymunedau yn effeithiol a dechrau byw bywydau cynhyrchiol a diogel. Yn aml iawn nid oedd y gwasanaethau yr oeddent eu hangen ar ôl cael eu rhyddhau ar gael i’w helpu i ailsefydlu, ac nid oedd y risgiau bob amser yn cael eu rheoli’n effeithiol yn eu dyddiau cynnar yn y gymuned. Mewn canfyddiad arbennig o ddamniol nid oedd yr un o’r plant wnaeth yr archwilwyr siarad gyda nhw yn teimlo bod y gwaith a wnaed ganddynt yn yr YOI yn eu helpu i wneud yn well ar ôl cael eu rhyddhau. The inspection found that, with some notable exceptions, children were not being prepared to re-enter their communities effectively and start to live productive and safe, law-abiding lives. The services that they needed on release were too often not in place to help them resettle, and the risks that they posed were not always sufficiently managed in their early days in the community. In a particularly damning finding, none of the children to whom the inspectors spoke to felt that the work that they had done in the YOI had helped them towards doing better on release.
3. Canfyddiadau 3. Findings
Roedd darpariaeth amserol llety diogel ac addas yn parhau’n broblem i nifer fach o blant, rhai ohonynt ddim yn gwybod lle roeddent yn mynd fyw nes y diwrnod yr oeddent yn cael e rhyddhau, neu’n fuan cyn hynny. O ganlyniad, nid oedd unrhyw wasanaethau eraill ar gael iddynt ar ôl gadael y ddalfa. Deng niwrnod cyn rhyddhau, nid oedd bron 14% o blant a ryddhawyd yn y tri mis cyntaf o 2019, yn gwybod lle byddent yn byw ar ôl gadael yr YOI. Nid oedd tri o’r plant yn gwybod tan y diwrnod cyn eu rhyddhau. The timely provision of safe and suitable accommodation remained problematic for a small number of children, some of whom did not know where they were going to live until the day of release or very shortly before. As a result, there were no other services in place for them when they left custody. Ten days before release, almost 14% of children released in the first three months of 2019, did not know where they would be living after leaving the YOI. Three children did not find out until the day before release.
4. Canfyddiadau 4. Findings
Roedd gwaith da cefnogaeth iechyd meddwl tra yn y ddalfa yn cael ei negyddu yn aml gan ddiffyg sylw i gefnogaeth barhaus a rhyddhau. Anaml yr oedd gwaith addysg, hyfforddiant a chyflogaeth yn arwain at weithgaredd pwrpasol yn y gymuned, neu gyfrannu at helpu’r plenty I ystyried ei bosibiliadau ar gyfer y dyfodol yn ystyrlon. Roedd archwiliadau yn barnu bod 38 allan o 50 o blant y gwnaethom archwilio eu hachosion yn dangos nad oedd y gwasanaethau hyn ar gael ar adeg priodol cyn eu rhyddhau. Amlygwyd nad oedd yr archwiliadau yn gweld unrhyw gydweithio rhwng y timau gwaith achos a darparwyr addysg, hyfforddiant a chyflogaeth, neu rhyngddyn nhw a’r darparwyr addysg. Good work in mental health support during custody was often negated by a lack of attention to continuing support on release. Education, training and employment (ETE) work rarely led to purposeful activity in the community, or contributed to helping the child consider, meaningfully, his future possibilities. Inspectors judged that 38 out of 50 children whose cases we inspected did not have these services in place at an appropriate time before their release. It was highlighted that the inspectors did not see any collaboration or joint working between the casework teams and ETE providers or between them and the education providers
5. Canfyddiadau 5. Findings
Y risgiau oedd plant yn beri i eraill unwaith yr oeddent yn ôl yn y gymuned – i deuluoedd a phlant, ac i’r cyhoedd – ddim yn cael eu hystyried yn ddigonol yn aml, gan adael rhai pobl mewn perygl o niwed. Yn ogystal, nid oedd y risg i blant eu hunain bob amser yn cael ei ystyried yn llawn ac roeddent yn teimlo’n fregus i gael eu tynnu yn ôl i ymddygiad anniogel. Ar gyfer tri allan o bump o’r plant yn ein sampl, roeddem o’r farn nad oedd gwasanaethau addas ar gael ar adeg priodol cyn rhyddhau i reoli eu perygl o niwed i eraill. The risks that the child posed to other people once back in the community – to families and children, and to the public – were too often not sufficiently considered, leaving some people at risk of harm. Additionally, the risk to the children themselves was not always fully considered and they were left vulnerable to being drawn back into unsafe behaviour. For three- fifths of the children in our sample, we judged that suitable services were not in place at an appropriate time before release to manage their risk of harm to others.
7. Canfyddiadau 7. Findings
Roedd y plant oedd yn dod yn 18 oed tra’n sefyll dedfryd o garchar yn cael eu trosglwyddo i wasanaethau trosedd oedolyn, yn wynebu anawsterau ychwanegol drwy golli eu hawliau i wasanaethau plant a’r gwahanol ddisgwyliadau arnynt, yn aml heb lawer o baratoi na dealltwriaeth, gan yr asiantaethau newydd. The children who became 18 years old while serving a custodial sentence and were transferred to adult offending services, faced additional difficulties with the loss of their rights to children’s services and the different expectations placed on them, often with little preparation or understanding, by the new agencies.
7. Argymhellion 7.Recomendations
Dylai Gwasanaeth Prawf a Charchar Ei Mawrhydi sicrhau bod staff sy’n goruchwylio’r sawl sy’n symud i wasanaethau trosedd oedolion yn cael eu hyfforddi i ddarparu gwasanaethau priodol i oed / aeddfedrwydd. Dylai’r Bwrdd Cyfiawnder Ieuenctid sicrhau bod data canlyniadau dibynadwy ar blant sy’n gadael y ddalfa ar gael, i hwyluso gwelliannau mewn darpariaeth gwasanaeth. Dylai Gwasanaeth y Ddalfa Ieuenctid hybu dealltwriaeth o waith ailsefydlu effeithiol ar draws pob asiantaeth ac adran o fewn sefydliadau troseddwyr ifanc. Dylai Gwasanaeth y Ddalfa Ieuenctid ei gwneud yn ofynnol i holl asiantaethau ac adrannau YOI i ddangos gwaith ailsefydlu a chydlynol effeithiol. Her Majesty's Prison and Probation Service should ensure that staff supervising those transitioning into adult offending services are trained to deliver age/maturity-appropriate services. The Youth Justice Board should ensure that reliable outcome data on children leaving custody are available, to inform improvements in service provision. The Youth Custody Service should promote understanding of effective resettlement work across all agencies and departments within young offender institutions (YOIs). The Youth Custody Service should require all agencies and departments in YOIs to demonstrate effective and coordinated resettlement work.
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