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EFTSU, Funding and the RMIT University Budget

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1 EFTSU, Funding and the RMIT University Budget
Statistics and Reporting Unit 12/4/2019

2 Overview - Current Process
* 07/16/96 Overview - Current Process Program load targets (profile) determine projected income on annual basis; Government policies determine special targets and income (eg RTS); Expected distribution of taught load determines teaching income distribution. 12/4/2019 *

3 EFTSU - Driven Income COG income is based on an annual allocation, loosely related to the RFM; SOG income is based on the OTTE pricing model; Aust and Internat income is based on Program fees; Other student related income includes VET enrolment fees; International Offshore income is based on contracts. 12/4/2019

4 RMIT University Profile
Profile describes Program Based Load Targets Maximum load and funding targets are set for Government funded load (COG, SOG); Faculties determine the targets for Australian fee paying student load; Faculties and RMIT International determine Int Load; Agreed profile for is shown in OPIS. 12/4/2019

5 Broad Funding Allocations
New hybrid funding model for 2004; Overheads are Calculated by FSG; Other tagged income allocations eg disability go straight to operating area. 12/4/2019

6 Taught Load Estimate Taught load (TL) is the EFTSU or SCH taught by the Department - course based load; The distribution of taught load is related to the curriculum and to student elective choice; The estimated TL is based on the profile and the previous year’s actual TL distribution; Taught Load is adjusted for Industrial Experience. 12/4/2019

7 Taught Load Estimation Method

8 COG Distribution Model
Taught load aggregated by discipline and program level; Discipline cluster weights applied to give WEFTSU; Total RMIT WEFTSU divided into Faculty total COG $ Allocation to give $per WEFTSU; IE funded at 20%; Information shown in OPIS and sent to Faculties with all budget data. 12/4/2019

9 RTS Funding COG research funding allocated separately;
RMIT Formula still used for all research funds; Commencements not known until December so no allocation possible within budget timetable. 12/4/2019

10 SOG Distribution Model
OTTE Price weights used to calculate Faculty weight for current base profile (P); Apprentice funding determined separately (L); OTTE relative prices adjusted to fit RMIT program distribution each year. 12/4/2019

11 Full Fee Distribution Model
Income for each program calculated from profile and fee; Income distributed according to unweighted taught load; Estimates of income can be difficult due to cohort fee approach. 12/4/2019

12 Future Changes Higher Education – “Backing Australia’s Future” etc
TAFE – new strategic developments in OTTE RMIT structural change, AMS, other … 12/4/2019

13 Information Sources Stats and Reporting: Roni McDowell x 54077
Chris van Zeyl x 4196 OPIS: 12/4/2019

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