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WISE as a pilot for INSPIRE and SEIS
Jean Dusart European Commission Joint Research Centre Spatial Data Infrastructures Unit WORKSHOP ON WATER INFORMATION SYSTEM FOR EUROPE (WISE) 12 November 2008
Objectives of the presentation
To give an update of progress on the INSPIRE Directive (transposition and Implementing Rules development) To illustrate how WISE and INSPIRE are interrelated To demystify some of the more technical aspects of geospatial interoperability To stimulate discussion on shared experiences
The INSPIRE Directive The INSPIRE Directive lays down general rules to establish an Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe for the purposes of Community environmental policies and policies or activities which may have an impact on the environment This infrastructure shall build upon infrastructures for spatial information established and operated by the Member States. Which data/services? Existing spatial data held by or on behalf of a public authority operating down to the lowest level of government when laws or regulations require their collection or dissemination.
How Implementing Rules (will) look like?
A Directive has a framework structure, which needs further technical refinement through Implementing Rules (IRs) Commission Regulations (even if other forms could be possible) Deadline for implementation set in the INSPIRE Directive or directly in the legal act Published, as the Directive, on the OJ in all official languages If Regulations, directly applicable without transposition into National legislation Distinction between proper legal act and accompanying guidelines Taking into account as much as possible (but avoiding formal binding to) evolving standards
Current status of INSPIRE
Preparatory phase ( ) Co-decision procedure Start of preparation of IRs Transposition phase ( ) Directive entered into force 15 May 2007 INSPIRE committee starts its activities 26 June 2007 Continuation of preparation of IRs 2nd meeting of the INSPIRE committee on 14 May 2008 Transposition into national legislation by 15 May 2009 Adoption of IRs by Comitology Implementation phase ( ) Implementation and monitoring of measures
Challenges of Becoming compliant in :
Metadata content and existence Metadata publication and access - Discovery Services Publishing data online as maps - View Services Publishing data for access - Download Services Timeline INSPIRE MD IR May 2008 adopted by the INSPIRE Committee, +2 years MD available (for Annex I and Annex II data) INSPIRE NS Discovery / View December 2008 submitted, May 2010 operational INSPIRE NS Download May 2009 submitted, May 2011 operational INSPIRE NS Coordinate Transformation May 2009 submitted, May 2011 operational
Implementing Rules on Metadata
Result of extensive collaborative work between Drafting Team, Commission, and stakeholders through Proposal for a Regulation unanimously approved by INSPIRE Regulatory Committee on 14/5/2008. European Parliament completed its scrutiny on 18/6/2008. Formal adoption by the Commission now started. Expected adoption End of 2008. Already transposed in WISE GIS Guidance Document version 2: Chapter 5.5. Metadata Implementation Appendix with revised WISE Metadata Profile
Key features Focus on Discovery and elements needed to implement the requirements of the Directive and allow interoperability through standards Non-binding guidelines that allow conformance with EN ISO (data) and EN ISO (services) + interoperability with e-government through ISO Technical coherence with standards tested with MD on-line Editor freely available via EU Geoportal:
Implementing Rules on the interoperability and harmonisation of spatial data sets and services
The development of INSPIRE Implementing rules for the interoperability and, where practicable, harmonisation of spatial data sets and services follow a two-step approach: Development of conceptual framework and specification methodology: Definition of Annex Themes and Scope Generic Conceptual Model (GCM), Methodology for Specification Development. Guidelines for Encoding Development of data specifications for each data theme based on the conceptual framework common specification development methodology and on the INSPIRE roadmap
Hydrographic elements, including marine areas and all other water bodies and items related to them, including river basins and sub-basins. Where appropriate, according to the definitions set out in Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2000 establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy *, and in the form of networks. * OJ L 327, , p.1. Directive as amended by Decision No. 2455/2001/EC (OJ L 331, , p.1.). Coordinate Reference Systems Cadastral Parcels Addresses Transport Networks Geographical Grid Systems Hydrography Geographical Names Protected Sites Administrative Units Target : Agreed specifications by May 2009
Annex I Data Specifications Example – Hydrography
Developed in consultation with the WISE technical group Source: Draft INSPIRE Data Specification Hydrography v. 1.11
Interelations between WISE and INSPIRE
For the data according to point 8 of Annex I – Hydrography), the Member States have committed themselves to establish and operate a network of services that are described under Article 11 (1). These are: discovery services (making it possible to search for spatial data sets and services on the basis of the content of the corresponding metadata and to display the content of the metadata), view services (making it possible, as a minimum, to display, navigate, zoom in/out, pan, or overlay viewable spatial data sets and to display legend information and any relevant content of metadata), data download services (enabling spatial data sets, or parts of such sets, to be downloaded and, where practicable, accessed directly full data sets or their parts), transformation services (enabling spatial data sets to be transformed with a view to achieving interoperability), services allowing spatial data services to be invoked.
Implementing Rules on Network services: Discovery Services
INSPIRE Discovery Services provide the functionality to search through catalogues Describe, publish, discover, manage, harvest Mature area of standardisation Existing standards & specifications available Community endorsement & deployment OGC Catalogue Service for the Web ISO 19115/9 Application Profile shall be used as the reference specification for the INSPIRE Discovery Service WISE Portal will offer searching capabilities
Implementing Rules on Network services: View Services
INSPIRE View Services provide the functionality to serve visual representations of the data covered by the Directive Annexes Publish, request, feature info, manage Mature area of standardisation Existing standards available Community endorsement & deployment ISO 19128:2005 (OGC Web Map Service 1.3.0) shall be used as the implementation standard for the INSPIRE View Service WISE supports already distributed connections:
Implementing Rules on Network services: Download Services
Download services: enabling copies of spatial data sets, or parts of such sets, to be downloaded, and where practicable, access directly. Data set: one or more physical files serialized in an encoding format Database realized in a concrete database system part of one of the above specified by some filter(query, …) Generic use case: Discover using a discovery service on metadata, Select desired data sets, Apply filter to identify part of selected data sets (if appropriate), Download using one or more download services defined in the IR.
Technical overview - Architecture
Architecture diagram (next slide): Publish-find-bind pattern Separation between 4 layers: Application, GeoRM, Service, Data INSPIRE services shall be Web Services (W3C): SOAP protocol to be used for INSPIRE services Transport of a Rights Management Key No standards available for managing licences GeoRM is a conceptual model, with some test implementations Multiligualism: rules for each service, language parameter mandatory Performance requirements => 6 criteria selected Performance, Capacity, Availability (shall be monitored) Reliability, Security, Compliance Evolution of WISE towards a Distributed Architecture 2
DT NS Process Phases Tiers DT MD DT DS Application layer GeoRM Layer
Publish Find Agree Bind Appl. Applications and Geoportals Service Bus Service Rights Management Layer Registry Service Discovery Service GeoRM Services View Service Download Service Transf. Service InvokeSD Service Tiers DT MD DT DS Register Data Service Metadata Data Set Metadata GeoRM Data Spatial Data Set Data TWG TWG TWG Thematic DS Publish-find-bind pattern Separation between Application layer GeoRM Layer Service Layer Data Layer Framework for harmonized DS
Other Implementing Rules
Data and service sharing: IRs governing access and rights of use to spatial data sets and services for Community institutions and bodies Monitoring and reporting: MS shall monitor the implementation and use of their infrastructures and shall make the results of this monitoring accessible to the Commission and to the public on a permanent basis
WISE as part of SEIS? SEIS is a collaborative initiative of the European Commission and the EEA. It aims to establish together with the Member States an integrated and shared EU-wide environmental information system. This system would tie in better all existing data gathering and information flows related to EU environmental policies and legislation. SEIS Could be an important overarching initiative with focus towards public access to information, complementing INSPIRE with non-geographic content, and integrating services coming from Kopernikus. The Commission also intends to update the standardised Reporting directive to bring it in line with the SEIS principles.
SEIS Highlights 2008 SEIS Communication (2008) 46 final
Need for political support in MS Ensure SEIS, INSPIRE, GMES (Kopernikus) mutually supportive Streamlining of reporting obligations SEIS as a centre-piece of EEA strategy Prioritising environmental data and information needs Assessment of feasibility of harmonisation/co-ordination of monitoring systems Funding through existing financial instruments. SEIS implementation plan by 2010 Initial outline prepared in September 2008 first SEIS Task Force Meeting with MS in September INSPIRE recognized as underpinning infrastructure Detailed work plan to follow
Conclusions INSPIRE Directive in the middle of transposition (May 08 – May 09) - most countries preparing legal acts - nomination of INSPIRE Contact Points - first set of Implementing Rules available/under adoption = Ambitious and unprecedented process = Truly stakeholder driven process = Real test of the specifications WISE seen as a test case for deploying distributed architecture supporting the INSPIRE Implementing Rules 21
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