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IEEE TGaf Beijing Closing Report

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1 IEEE 802.11 TGaf Beijing Closing Report
April 2009 doc.: IEEE /xxxxr0 May 2010 IEEE TGaf Beijing Closing Report Date: Authors: Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion

2 April 2009 doc.: IEEE /xxxxr0 May 2010 Abstract This presentation is the closing report for the third face-to-face meeting of IEEE TGaf taking place the week of May 17, 2010 at the IEEE 802 Wireless Interim in Beijing, PRC. Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion

3 Agenda Joint session with 802.19 and 802.22 (Tuesday PM3)
May 2010 Agenda Joint session with and (Tuesday PM3) TVWS regulatory update Overview of the Technical Review and comment spreadsheet Categorize the comments Hear proposals directly related to received comments Plan for July and teleconferences Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion

4 May 2010 TGaf Accomplishments Held joint session with and and discussed project status of each Held an ad hoc session Wednesday AM1 to discuss the comments received from the Technical Review Approved minutes from Orlando and teleconferences Approved Draft d0.02 [d0.01 with changes accepted in March] Approved 11-10/595r5 as the comment spreadsheet Categorized the comments and planned for resolving them Updated the TGaf timeline and discussed changes required because REVmb will finish ahead of TGaf Planned for July and teleconferences June 8, June 22 and July 6 Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion

5 TGaf Timeline – Updated May 2010
January 2010 doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 May 2010 TGaf Timeline – Updated May 2010 Initial Working Group Letter Ballot: September 2010 Re-circulation Working Group Letter Ballot: November 2010 Form Sponsor Ballot Pool: January 2011 Initial Sponsor Ballot: March 2011 Approved Sponsor Ballot: May 2011 Final WG/EC Approval: November 2011 RevCom/Standards Board Approval: December 2011 Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion Michael Montemurro, RIM

6 Teleconferences June 8 and 22 July 6 and 20 August 3, 17 and 31
May 2010 Teleconferences June 8 and 22 July 6 and 20 August 3, 17 and 31 Time: 22:00 ET for 90 minutes Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion

7 References 11-09-0934-09-tvws-par-nescom-form-plus-5c
May 2010 References tvws-par-nescom-form-plus-5c af-meeting-minutes-for-Orlando-2010 af-march-30-teleconference-minutes af-april-13-teleconference-minutes af-april-27th-teleconference-minutes af-May-11th-teleconference-minutes af-meeting-plan-and-agenda-beijing-2010 af-d0-02-comment-spreadsheet Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion

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