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Industrialization Spreads to US

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1 Industrialization Spreads to US
How does US industrialization differ from British industrialization?

2 America Industrializes
United States also possessed the “factors of production” A British blockade during the War of 1812 starts the American Industrial Revolution – don’t need European goods How US Industrializes 1. Labor: Immigrant population does factory work (less need for slave trade) Young women also work in factories Mill Girls liked the idea that they could make some money as well as having some independence

3 2. Resources: US also had large deposits of coal & iron ore
3. Stable Government Democracy like Britain (Industrialization really speeds up after Civil War) 4. Inventions/ideas: Samuel Slater immigrates to America from Britain, recreates spinning wheel and helped improve US textile mills Francis Lowell began to mechanizes textile process Eli Whitney’s invents cotton gin (removes seed from cotton)

4 Discuss: What was similar & different between US & British
5. Transportation: US also has fast moving rivers & expanded its railroad system to connect many cities Railroads built by Irish & Chinese Immigrants who were excluded from other jobs, Transcontinental RR connects US coast to coast 6. Capital: To help pay for investments, many businessman began selling stock (part ownership) in their companies Corporations form as a result of selling stock in companies Discuss: What was similar & different between US & British industrialization? (answer using a Venn Diagram)

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