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Application and developments of WIM in Brazil

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1 Application and developments of WIM in Brazil
Gustavo Garcia Otto, PhD. LabTrans/UFSC

2 WIM in Brazil Background
• ANTT road concessionaire WIM and Toll-by-Weight • State of Espírito Santo: network of WIM-systems for vehicle monitoring 1974 2007 2013 2014 2020 WIM Network and other types of traffic monitoring systems and smart roads (...) 2018 WIM for direct enforcement PIAF: 35 WIM sites for pre-selection PNCT: 280 WIM sites for traffic data collection HS-WIM: beginning of development in Brazil PPV: First WIM sites in Brazil

3 Logistic corridors in Brazil Sugar, Corn and Soybeans
Input  - export flows, year 2014 Product: Sugar, Corn and Soybeans, grouped by microregions. Data: AliceWeb. 10 t Paved Roads: • Federal: km • Concessionaire: km Total: km (State and Municipal included) 17 t Legal tolerance of 7,5% per axle. CONTRAN nº 258/2007. Legislation still in force. 25,5 t Transported Volume Production Volume More then 180 different classes of trucks and busses

4 Transportation overload scenario Effect of the Lack of enforcement power
Weigh Stations (30xPPV) PNCT (WIM) – 2014 and 2015 Araranguá WIM test site Mean overload per axle and group of axle Pavement maintenance cost assessment 19% 38%

5 Weigh Stations in Brazil Weigh Station - PPV
Features: Screening Ramp: medium speed WIM for pre-selection. 60 km/h. Enforcement Station: Low-speed WIM scales 5-12 km/h. Issues: Technologies becoming obsolete. Physical and technological infrastructure inadequate to current demands of traffic and fleet. Lack of available personnel (enforcement officers). DNIT has about public servers. To operate all 24 weight stations, 24/7, it’s necessaire more

6 New Weigh Stations in Brazil Fully automated weigh station - PIAF
Features: Mainline screening, automated enforcement procedures and “Remote officer”. Current status: 35 PIAF weigh stations contracted. Design-build-operate-maintain (DBOM) contracts. WIM pre-selection Automated Weigh station Remote officer

7 WIM for Direct Enforcement Brazil
Objetives (announced in June, 2015): (...) Promote regulations and standards for the use of WIM technologies, in agreement with normative and metrological institutes. WIM for direct enforcement.

8 WIM for Direct Enforcement Key Players
Users Technical Support Legal / Regulatory Metrology

9 Recent developments Legal Aspects
Normative Resolution 459 CONTRAN (2013): (...) Art. 7º: It is NOT mandatory the presence of an official enforcement officer inside the areas designated for vehicles weight and size enforcement, when an automated and integrated system is used. Normative Resolution 547 CONTRAN (2015): Art. 3º The Notification of the overloading fine will be sent to the owner of the vehicle, accompanied by the Identification Form (IF) for pointing out the responsible party, when the violator is not immediately identified.

10 Recent developments Metrology
Ordinance 47 INMETRO (2016): Standard for type approval and verification of WIM systems for enforcement activities.

11 WIM for direct enforcement in Brazil Pending developments (Legal and Regulatory)
Adjustments in the Brazilian Transit Code (CTB): Transshipment / rearrangement of cargo. HS-WIM regulation: Normative resolution stating it as a valid method for weight enforcement and setting its technical requirements.

12 WIM for direct enforcement project DNIT - LabTrans

13 WIM for direct enforcement project DNIT - LabTrans
Activities: Studies of methods and technologies aiming at error reduction and validation of measurements. Proposition of technological model for direct enforcement. Field tests and validation of technological models for direct enforcement. Partners:

14 WIM for direct enforcement project Site I - Integrated WIM system
WIM systems: 3 x systems based in quartz sensors. 1 x system based in ceramics sensors. 1 x system base in polymer sensors. Vehicle identification systems: 2 x OCR and 1 x Vehicle identification based on Magnetic signature

15 WIM for direct enforcement project Site II – WIM for Direct Enforcement
Two pavement sections are design Class I (COST 323): Continuous Reinforced Concrete Pavement (130m), and Thick Asphalt Pavement (120m). CRCP construction and WIM installation in 2017. Asphalt pavement to be constructed by end of August 2018 WIM systems: Quartz, Ceramics, Polymer and Bending-plate systems. Longitudinal slope 0,14% Lateral slope 0,5%

16 Further applications for WIM in Brazil PNCT: National Plan for Traffic Counting
PNCT project objectives: Assess existing traffic flow and establish future traffic trends. Analyze the capacity and establish service level. Validation of the service life of roadway pavements solutions adopted. Program improving of the road system. Assess traffic composition of overloaded vehicles. Aid of location of new weigh stations. Features: Uses Data Quality Management. Traffic counting and Origin and Destination Survey.

17 Expectation is: installation of more than 10 WIM sites
Further applications for WIM in Brazil State of Espírito Santo: WIM network for monitoring The State of Espírito Santo export more then U$ 465,704 (in 2017) million of Ornamental Rock per year (1st in Brazil). Normative states that rock transportation vehicles must follow a set of safety conditions. Statistics shows that vehicles that do not comply with current legislation are primarily responsible for fatal accidents. Expectation is: installation of more than 10 WIM sites The Project network of WIM-systems for Vehicle Monitoring involves Public Ministry and State Authorities.

18 ANTT - National Land Transportation Agency
Further applications for WIM in Brazil ANTT road concessionaire: WIM and Toll-by-Weight Use of WIM: In parallel with PIAF project, ANTT has start its one project for complete automation of overload enforcement in their Weigh Stations using WIM as pre-selection. Toll-by-Weight (2015): Legislation approved that exempt toll payment vehicles empty and unload axles. ANTT - National Land Transportation Agency Currently there are 23 Weigh Station in operation. The project also involves the construction more Weigh Station using the new model

19 Application and developments of WIM in Brazil
Thank you. Technical Team (LabTrans/UFSC) Adosindro Almeida, Dr. Bruno Gevaerd, Msc. Fernando Spanhol, Dr. Flávio de Mori, Dr. Guilherme Romanini Keyla Junko Shinohara, Dr. Leonardo Guerson Luiz Felipe Dellaroza Marcos Lichtenfels Rafael Aleixo Tairi Ikeda Tiago Tamagusko Prof. Amir Mattar Valente, PhD General Coordinator - LabTrans/UFSC Valter Zanela Tani, PhD Transportation Planning Manager - LabTrans/UFSC Gustavo Garcia Otto, PhD Coordinator of WIM project - LabTrans/UFSC Special thanks to:

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