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Lesson 3 Learning Intentions

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1 Lesson 3 Learning Intentions
Plastic-Free Communities| Lesson 3 of 6 Lesson 3 Learning Intentions By the end of this lesson… A. I will know what steps we need to take to work together well to carry out our chosen collective action to tackle the root causes of plastic waste.  B. I will reflect on my current skills, suggest and learn at least one new skill that I will use to complete our action.

2 This week your aims are to:
Plastic-Free Communities| Lesson 3 of 6 C. Effects Last week you looked at Root Causes of plastic waste & created a list of suggested solutions. This week your aims are to: categorise and the choose 9 suggestions using diamond ranking divide your class into smaller action groups use facilitation roles in these groups to create a collective group action D. Your suggested solutions Source: Kate Minnock

3 most effective solution
Activity Plastic-Free Communities| Lesson 3 of 6 Step 1: Choose a facilitation role each Step 2: Diamond ranking In groups of 3-5 try to use all the suggestions by combining similar ones together Cut out the nine boxes from the template and write your nine suggestions, one per box Arrange your suggestions using group discussion with the most effective solution to stop plastic waste (forever!) at the top Step 3: Listen to what the other groups suggest and as a class try to assign one different solution for each group to carry out. Adjust the scale of the projects to suit the number of classes you have to carry out your solutions. There are action ideas on next slides to help you if need. most effective solution least effective solution Diamond ranking Source: Kate Minnock

4 Activity 2 Plastic-Free Communities| Lesson 3+4 of 6
Aim: One person in each group takes 1 role each on a rotating basis each week, if groups are smaller than 5 then student(s) volunteer to take an extra role Facilitation Toolkit (optional) Source: adapted from

5 Plastic-Free Communities| Lesson 3+4 of 6
Taking Action: How will your group help to make your community plastic-free? Create your own plastic-free cosmetic products Campaign at a national Level – write letters to your TD’s Campaign at an EU level – find your MEP Some action ideas to add to your own if needed… AFTER you have completed your own brainstorming first! Work with local coffee shops on the ‘Conscious Cup Campaign’ Work with local supermarkets on existing campaigns such as ‘Sick of Plastic’, see VOICE + FOE Ireland websites Work with industry to change their plastic packaging

6 Action ideas: campaigning at an EU level
Plastic-Free Communities| Lesson 3+4 of 6 Action ideas: campaigning at an EU level Do you want to… - find out more about March 2019 decision by the European Parliament to ban in the EU by 2021 - hold the EU accountable? - campaign for stricter targets? your local Member of European Parliament (MEP) You will find information here: (awaiting update 2019) Image credit:

7 Image credit: Kate Minnock, NWETSS
Plastic-Free Communities| Lesson 3+4 of 6 Letter template IDEAS / TIPS! Taking Action - Campaign Letter & writing 1.Google / YouTube Howcast - How to Write a Formal Letter Image credit: Kate Minnock, NWETSS

8 Action idea: Conscious Cup Campaign
Plastic-Free Communities| Lesson 3+4 of 6 Action idea: Conscious Cup Campaign See website or link below for PowerPoint presentation by NWETSS students

9 Action idea: Industry Plastic-Free Communities| Lesson 3+4 of 6
‘Surfers against Sewage’ click on their website and scroll to ‘Plastic Persuasion’ and adapt if useful Could you ask your Maths teacher to do this in class time?

10 Action idea: Create your own plastic-free cosmetic products
Plastic-Free Communities| Lesson 3+4 of 6 Action idea: Create your own plastic-free cosmetic products See website or link below for PowerPoint presentation by NWETSS students

11 Action idea: Work with local shops and supermarkets
Plastic-Free Communities| Lesson 3+4 of 6 Action idea: Work with local shops and supermarkets Sick of Plastic – 6 Steps Write to shops and supermarket chains asking them to take these six steps: Offer more items without packaging, such as fruit and vegetables (without plastic trays, wrapping and nets). Make their own-brand packaging easily compostable or recyclable, and use less plastic. Demand, through their purchasing power, that other brands they carry have easily compostable or recyclable packaging, and use less plastic. Blaze a trail in Ireland by implementing a plastic free aisle, as has been done in the Netherlands. Provide items in bulk, where possible, to reduce packaging. Allow shoppers use their own containers to buy dried goods, buying only what they need. Source: VOICE & Friends of the Earth (FOE) Ireland

12 Activity 2 Plastic-Free Communities| Lesson 3+4 of 6
Group action: Title + Aims Things you might like to discuss… -what action is achievable in the time frame given (check how many lessons you can dedicate to this or if your group wants to meet at lunch / after school)? -what solution are we most interested in? -what are the skills in my group? -what new skills would we like to learn? -what resources do we need, and can we access them today (ie. ipads for research) -what task will each person do? After 10 minutes of planning… start your action! IDEAS / TIPS! Each group: Remember to keep notes of what you decide in a copy / scrapbook Task? WHO? DUE DATE / TIME Notes

13 Resources Plastic-Free Communities| Lesson 3+4 of 6
Surfers against Sewage, Plastic-Free school resources - Educate Together Ethical Education / Sustainability- VOICE / EPA: No Home for Plastic - VOICE, Recycling Ambassador Programme - EcoUnesco Action projects - Clean Coasts, An Tasice - Green Schools, An Tasice - SDG Unesco, Worlds Largest Lesson - WWGS - Repak, recycling factsheet -

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