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Learning Outcome To understand what is meant by the Treaty of Versailles To investigate its impact.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Outcome To understand what is meant by the Treaty of Versailles To investigate its impact."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Outcome To understand what is meant by the Treaty of Versailles To investigate its impact

2 The Constitution - Overview
The Constitution was drawn up following the abdication of the Kaiser It was the first time Germany had experienced a democracy There were many flaws: Proportional Representation led to: Too many small parties No overall majority Weak coalition governments From there were 10 coalitions

3 The Treaty of Versailles
The Treaty of Versailles, signed on the 28 June 1919, finally ended the war with Germany Huge numbers of Germans were horrified with the settlement and this caused massive problems for the Weimar Republic

4 Why did many Germans resent this clause?
War Guilt Article 231 of the Treaty stated that Germany was to blame for causing the war. Why did many Germans resent this clause?

5 Reparations Why did many Germans complain about reparations? As Germany was held responsible for the war, the allies could claim reparations for the damage caused In 1921 a special commission fixed a sum of £6,600 m. to be paid in annual instalments The Treaty also took away 10% of Germany’s industry and 15% of its agricultural land

6 Germany’s colonies Germany’s colonies were handed over to the League of Nations, who gave them to Britain and France to run Why did many Germans resent the way the League of Nations running their colonies?

7 Military restrictions
Air force was disbanded Army limited to 100,000 soldiers Navy limited to 15,000 sailors, six battleships and no submarines Which country was keen to restrict Germany’s navy? Why?

8 Military restrictions
Rhineland occupied by the Allies for 15 years No German troops allowed in this area Why were the Germans especially unhappy about these terms?

9 Which of the territorial losses would have angered the Germans most?
Alace-Lorraine returned to France West Prussia and Posen (Polish Corridor) lost to Poland Saarland taken over by the League of Nations for 15 years Which of the territorial losses would have angered the Germans most?

10 Terms of the Treaty Germany lost 13 per cent of its land, 48 per cent of its iron production and more than 6 million citizens Article 231 – war Guilt Clause – Germany had to accept responsibility for starting the war and pay compensation for the damage caused Germany were not allowed a navy or airfare and could only have 100,000 troops Germany were not allowed into the League of Nations

11 German reaction Germans hated it because: It was a DIKTAT
The Germans believed that they were not responsible for starting the war, the Russians mobilised their troops first. How could they defend themselves with such a small army, especially when other countries had not disarmed. They said that it would be impossible to pay Reparations when their main Industrial areas had been taken off them, e.g. the Saar coalfield. THE WEIMAR WERE BLAMED FOR SIGNING IT

12 Peace and future cannon fodder' - a cartoon of 1920 by the Australian artist Will Dyson.  
 'The Tiger' was a nickname for Clemenceau.   In the caption, Clemenceau is saying: 'Curious!   I seem to hear a child weeping'.

13 Does the source suggest that there was a good chance of maintaining peace in Europe after 1919?







20 Exam question 1 Study the source below and then answer the question which follows. Source B [Map showing the territorial terms of the Treaty of Versailles] Use Source B and your own knowledge to describe the territorial clauses of the Treaty of Versailles [6] For this answer you just need to describe the various territorial clauses of the Treaty DO NOT discuss financial or military clauses Use the map first to help you Then bring in your own knowledge Examiner only

21 Mark Scheme

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