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Year 3 Expectations Miss Brown: Morris Miss Lyon: Banksy

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1 Year 3 Expectations Miss Brown: Morris Miss Lyon: Banksy
Miss Ahmed: Hepworth Tuesday 17th September 2019

2 English This term we will be reading the book ‘Stone Age Boy’ which is linked to our topic on Stone Age Britain. Other books we will be reading are: Autumn : ‘The Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes. Spring: ‘Into The Forest’ by Anthony Browne. Summer: ‘Charlotte’s Web’ by E.B. White.

3 Reading Children should be reading daily.
We can only change reading books if they are signed/commented by parents. We will try to change the books at least once a week.

4 Reading How to help your child
Ask questions about the story plot and characters. Make predictions Discuss the meaning of new words. Summarise main events/ideas. Guessing from the title/ cover roughly what the story may be about Enjoying the story, wanting to talk about it, saying whether they like a story and why Liking or not liking the characters, feeling sympathy for them Being surprised or saddened by what happens Understanding the jokes, putting on voices for different characters Questioning why characters do what they do Predicting or guessing what might happen next Checking the story makes sense to them; realising they’ve made a mistake, stopping to self-correct Linking what is happening to their own experiences Recognising familiar events in the story and talk about them Answering simple questions about why a character does or says something

5 Spelling 10 words are given out each week for homework. Children need to know the definition of these words and be able to use them in sentences. Children are tested on these each week. Banksy: Friday Morris: Friday Hepworth: Friday

6 Maths Scheme-Maths – No Problem! Focus units Autumn term: Number and place value, addition and subtraction. We will also cover multiplication and division in the 2nd half of this term. Spring term: Measurement, time and fractions. Summer: Data handling, angles and perimeter. Year 3: Recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 3s, 4s and 8 times tables. Children will be tested on their times tables each week

7 Singapore tops International league tables Pupils learn to think mathematically as opposed to reciting formulas they don’t understand. Depth not breadth. Primary Series was assessed by the DfE’s expert panel, which judged that it alone met the core criteria for a high-quality textbook to support teaching for mastery.




11 Enrichment tasks

12 Learning Journals

13 Homework Homework will be set on a weekly basis and linked to the learning that is taking place in the classroom. This will include a Maths and English activity, along with their spellings and their tables. -Handed out on Friday -Handed in by the following Thursday.

14 P.E Banksy: Monday and Thursday Morris: Monday and Friday
Hepworth: Monday and Friday Monday is outdoor P.E. Please ensure your child has the correct PE kit and every item labelled with their name. - white or light blue polo shirt or plain round-necked tee-shirt -white or navy blue shorts -navy jogging bottoms/leggings in cold weather or for modesty -black plimsolls - No earrings

15 Problems Class teacher  Year group leader  Phase leader  Assistant Head/ Deputy  Head teacher Birthdays No sweets or goodie bags.

16 Reminders Updated contact forms – essential
Attendance – Children need to attend school everyday and be at school on time as it is vital to their learning. School Lunch needs to be selected at home as we have been informed that this is current procedure.

17 Handouts End of Year Expectations Y3/Y4 Statutory Spelling List

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