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DTC through Cision ID. Direct-to-consumer audiences.

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Presentation on theme: "DTC through Cision ID. Direct-to-consumer audiences."— Presentation transcript:

1 DTC through Cision ID. Direct-to-consumer audiences.

2 Cision ID Earned Media Distribution, Measurement and Management Company Press Releases, Influencer Database, Media Monitoring, Activation Cision Global Insights A platform that drives understanding of what the market is saying about client brands and products, who is saying it, and activation tools to increase marketing effectiveness. BulletinHealthcare DTC, through Cision ID Cision identifies content relevant to brands’ and products’ themes and objectives, and identifies the specialized audiences consuming that content. BulletinHealthcare activates paid media campaigns through Cision ID, enabling reach and engagement of consumers engaged with content relevant to the brand.

3 1. Identify Earned Media Content
Getting Started with Earned Media Audiences 1. Identify Earned Media Content Determine brand-relevant search terms & keywords, then monitor for third-party earned media coverage.

4 2. Build Earned Media Audiences
Getting Started with Earned Media Audiences 2. Build Earned Media Audiences Cision plugs into the programmatic ad space to identify consumer audiences exposed to earned digital content.

5 3. Activate Paid Media Strategies
Getting Started with Earned Media Audiences 3. Activate Paid Media Strategies Cision Earned Audiences are automatically available for retargeting within MediaMath. Retargeting: Pre-exposed Audiences Increasing: Audience Relevance Integrating: Audience Behavior

6 New Partner Launch: Next Steps
Scoping Results and Objectives Identify keywords Define engagement KPIs (CTR, LPVs) Begin audience search Paid Test Execute paid media campaign to target audience 30 Day Review Evaluate results, optimize

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