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Authentic Actions: Literacy Strategies for Student Success

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1 Authentic Actions: Literacy Strategies for Student Success
By Jessica Constantine

2 Please Take this time to help yourself to Coffee and Bagels
Please Take this time to help yourself to Coffee and Bagels. We will be beginning at 9:00 am.

3 By the end of this session, you will be able to:
Use different strategies to help students think about text. Use different strategies to help students reexamine text. Identify the stages of quality reading. Incorporate and plan strategies that would benefit your content areas and will be added as formative assessment pieces for student portfolio’s.

4 Padlet Response:(Padlet is a website that allows individuals to express their thoughts on a common topic online—Please access your s for the link) How do you scaffold learning to help students develop higher order thinking skills? What type of evidence-based practices or questions do you incorporate?

5 The Padlet activity is a wonderful way to get students to focus and use technology in a critical way. Students are able to observe others answers in real time and respond. Answers will forever be stored.

6 Pair Share! Talk with a partner about your answers
This type of activity is great for students to: Scaffold their learning by talking to a partner. Plan what they want to say (speaking is one of the standards!) Make connections to the text without fear of being wrong!

7 Wordstorming to Anticipate Content! (Pre-reading Activity)
Teachers please jot down on a piece of paper any and all words you can think of related to reading and the reading process! Wordstorming is an activity which helps a learner assess knowledge and build content prior to exploration of a topic. One could also use this as an opportunity for students to generate questions of study.

8 Mix And Mingle Get active! As music plays, you wander around the room. When the music stops, you grab the closest person and share some of the words you added t your chart. This literacy activity is a great way to get kids to be actively engaged in the topic. It helps students to critically think and reexamine what they wrote. Students can deeply think about the topic and expand their knowledge by talking to other students.

9 Professional Reading Annotation
Highlight anything you notice. Jot down anything you wonder. Evaluate the importance of certain quotations. After Annotating, add to your Wordstorm charts

10 How do these activities tie back to selecting and analyzing evidence?
Pair Share! Which of the seven strategies do annotating and the Wordstorming activity use? How do these activities tie back to selecting and analyzing evidence?

11 Break!!

12 Take the next Hour and 25 minutes to plan your own lesson with any of the following literacy strategies for success QuickWrite with Padlet Pair Share Wordstorming Text Annotating Mix and Mingle

13 Lunch!!

14 More Pre-Reading and Text Framing Activities-Handouts provided
Think Alouds KWL Charts Anticipation Guide Dramatic Role Play Probable Passage Extended Projects (Daniels & Zemelman, 2004, pp )

15 More Planning

16 Reflection/ Evaluation Questions, Comments, concerns
How can we use these strategies to help students better engage with text details? Submit Exit Slips to Main Office

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